Mark Normand comes on Lex Friedman's podcast bashes Indianapolis and St Louis crazed politicians Cori Bush and Joe Hogsett and recalls daily beatings living in shit hole New York City

Chung Young

        Comedian Mark Normand appeared on Lex Fridman's podcast about a year ago spoke of woke culture and the radicalization of politics and culture. Mark Normand is the best  B or C list comedian and he spoke of the need to enter big cities and taking risk and he said this is something one could not get form staying in Indianapolis. Noomani and and Friedman spoke of Joe Rogan and how he and everyone is moving to Austin, Texas and that this city is growing and will be on par with with Boston, New York and San Francisco and that people 

stuck in struggling Middle America that has been deindustrialized and de jobbed by the coastal elite class with comedic or business talent are missing out and Normand mocked and bashed the shit out of Indianapolis. Mark Nomand spoke of his difficulties growing up in the hood as he was always being beat up and challenged for his skin color and he said there is too much hate in this country.  Mark Normand also spoke of his live for the party animals which he included himself as he slept with so many women and having meaningless relationships

and Lex with bimbos who only slept with him for clout. Mark Normand spoke of the great movement of people to places like Florida and Texas and he says there is a reason that Indianapolis and St Louis are becoming this meth head ad shit head city with horrible ghetto shit politicians such as Cori Bush and Normand and Fridman bashed the growing problem of

radical hating woksters in our culture and politics such as this monster extremist Cori Bush who represents a growing threat and a fringe element with the Democratic party. In addition to bashing this black supremacist Norman and Fridman also eviscerated failed Indianapolis mayor Joe Hogsett calling him perhaps the worse mayor of AmeriCCPa and personalty has helped transition the city of Indianapolis into more of a criminal and drug capital distribution crime ridden center. Both agreed they hope in November's election that Joe Hogsett goes down as his defeat is crucial for this country and urban politics. Mark Norman said this idiot Cori Bush is a disgrace and no white counterpart would ever get elected and the regression of urban American is preciously way our country and culture are falling apart and again  Normand stated the need for productive people in cities like St Louis


and Indianapolis get the fuck out of these cities and away from the radical shit heads like congresswoman Cori Bush. Norman and Friedman says we face a direct threat of the future of our nation as radicals and woke maniacs threaten are very existence as a country and politicians and radical crazies like Cori Bush are becoming a part of our congress using our democracy against ourselves ad we have to be ob guard with the likes of Cori Bush and other batman villains of the friend and extremist element Democrats in our polticla system  trying to destroy the United States from within. 

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