Mark Dice goes undercover as a film producer and speaks at a LA city council and tells them that they are indeed coming for your kids and propagandizing to them

      Wally Jackson

    Mark Dice makes a mockery of the communist state of California and he often goes to City Council meetings and basically tears apart the LGBTqQRSD community marked ice went undercover again and returned to the Los Angeles city council where he pretended to be a film producer and hail the success of Disney and other some companies in propagandizing gay and lesbian Lifestyles to their children. Mark Dice pretty much summed up what is really going on in Hollywood and  his success in doing this in a communist state of Kalifornia is utterly amazing. Mark Dice is just humiliating and destroying the political left with his various trolling whether it be man on the street or in the city council and he is among one of the best YouTube hosts fighting the cultural

wars against The craze insane Marxist socialist in this country. Mark thank the city council  didn't pull no punches in his portrayal of a film producer was right on as he being in California probably has seen these creeps and the weirdos messaging they're able to deliver on the Silver Screen that targets your kids throughout this country and the world. Hollywood is woke Hollywood is gay and they want to promote pedophilism and they want to get their kids to accept sexual

relations with older people and frequent sex. The producers in movie directors are indeed having the sick perverted agenda because they quite literally are walking demons in this country and people are only catching on right now to what the woke Hollywood industry is all about and their intentions for your kids. Hollywood needs to be demonetized defunded and put out a business and they're very existence through the years has proven to be an existential threat to our culture and society. Mark Dice portrayal of a Hollywood producer is dead on and the psychopaths that we have in

Hollywood are committed to spreading Marxism and the GBLTQI++  sick community as much as they can in even Disney executives are no longer hiding the fact Disney needs to be demonetized in all expects from their media to their theme parks and the evil intentions of this wicked Park and their Michael Jackson type fantasies need to be resisted and fought  back against. The dice man is destroying sieve Crowder for cowering hiding from YouTube and basically being a bully with how he runs he's network and the continued trolling and destruction of Steve Crowder into oblivion and on Rumble away from YouTube is a whole other topic and Dice has destroyed Steven Crowder in the past months,

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