Robert Kennedy Jr obsessed with Tick Tock social media Honey's Veronica and Chinese car model changer he is obsessively posing his muscular 70-year-old body

   Rusty Stone

      Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr is obsessively working out being so turned on by the young Honeys he sees on tick tock on the daily basis. He released a video where he is ripped to the shreds in incredible look for a 70 year old man and indeed many people throughout social media and the internet we're impressed that such an old dude would have such a Greek statue type body what has been going on at all is Robert Kennedy Jr is so obsessed with two Tick Tock stars in particular we have learned from our sources one is the little breast big ass

workout tick Tocker known as Veronica. This young Israeli or Indian woman who shakes and shows her ass in each and every video and then complains and post videos of men in the gym looking at her. Veronica of course needs a breast job as we have stated before in the past ,  but regardless Robert Kennedy Jr does not care about this Veronica is like 50 years younger than RFK.  RFK Jr has way

better of a body than most of the men Veronica ticktockers age and he wanted to demonstrate this on-line as the near seventy year old Robert Kennedy Junior took time out from his campaign and worked out to show both Veronica and Cheng Er his hunky body. Robert Kennedy Jr is courting Veronica and leaves her 10 messages a day most of

which are deleted early by her setting up a AI to deal with Roberk Kingedy's messages. . However he's not able to leave the Changer any messages as the Chinese car model is a enigma and few know how to contact her as moist think the CCP have full access and control of her.  Some have even suggested the Chinese car model and Chinese  Marilyn Monroe is not even real and AI or a bot. Either way the  Chinese amazing car model is the sensation of the Far East and both Asian and Europeans are obsessed with this amazing car model and beautiful young Tik Tok dancer in performer. Changer is so sexy that Robert Kennedy Jr wishes he can just purchase her like money other of the

American elites who long use China as a source for female adoption and Woody Allen type tactics through adoption. Robert Kennedy Jr cannot purchase changer but perhaps he and his wife can adopt China although these days is much more difficult given the obsession and awareness of American mid-90s Chinese baby adoptions were by one account more than 10,000

babies were shipped and purchased like Cabbage Patch dolls by wealthy Americans. I once remember working at Central Illinois University and they had this conference in the summer and the amount of weird rich white people with their Chinese babies must have been in the thousands convening at this University and workshop for American Chinese adoptions and conference for

parents and their kids. Robert Kennedy Jr is a stud and a half and he feels he is deserving of a woman in her twenties and not any woman as this man wants a big tic-tok star such as these two and this explains why this madman is obsessively working out and showing off his muscles in recent weeks stressing and endangering his body with suck physical and strenuous activity. 

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