Chung Young
Fighting tooth and nail the allegations and lies of sexual misconduct and harassment and rape Russell Brand has returned to YouTube defiant as ever. The Great British comedian and social critic has returned to YouTube and told his listeners that he will not be silenced and he totally leveled The establishment in the globalist. Russell Brand leveled and attacked with a 15 minute video of a recent Hillary Clinton interview with and going after Hillary Clinton and a global corruption that this evil wicked witch from Park Ridge represents. Brand Russel said that Hillary Clinton is a war monger and every bit of a war spreading mad person as she

claimed Vladimir Putin in a recent interview ad podcast she did with former Joe Biden press secretary and propagandist Jen Psaki. Brand has made a brand bashing the political left and the establishment and Russel is back with a vengeance going after the bastards and deep corrupt class such as this failed three time presidential candidate an done hundred percent jackass Hillary that seeks to shut and cancel Russel brand. The wicked witch from Park Ridge is a natural target for the great Russell Brand as he has made it a trademark and a wish list to go afte rthese corrupt globalists like this ugly woman and for huge devoted 6 million YouTube fans going after these cons and maniacs like her is a favorite. Russell Brand is one of the greatest

voices on YouTube fighting the global corruption that Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Marcone, Brazil's Lulu and the Clinton's represent and despite the best attempt by the global left Russell Brand is still busting it and he's talking towards spreading the important information that we all need to know. Russell Brands take down of this evil and sick demented woman failed presidential three-time candidate in power

hungry Hillary Clinton was epic. Hillary Clinton is among the most evil instigators and propaganda this we've ever seen in our political system and this woman is indeed a walking demon on Earth. Hillary Clinton was totally destroying is Russell Brand has returned to YouTube also wrecking his enemies as he made mention of JP Sears of we lie to you news and the rotten homosexual known as Hell Sparks on YouTube. Sparks without a doubt will be triggered and likely has done a video about Brands calls of the bitch Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy as she says we need to reject authoritarianism and fascism and basiclaly Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden's sycophants says this whenever there is a chance

American people will reject tier craze dpoltics and in all relahzity Hillary Clinton dones't ant a democracy the wicked one wanted to be coronation to be president but instead the American people rejected dher and she became a numerous fialed candidate. The amount of horse shit and dogshit Hillary Clinton stated in this interview with Jenn Psaki was amazing and Brand tore this old woman and witches views and comments about the 2024 election and Putin;s coming influence and interference. To say that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar would be an underestimate. Hal Sparks has a sliver of the followers that Russell Brand has and this hippie left left-wing Maniac former actor of queer folk and fail stand up comedian seems so obsessed he cannot stop talking about Russell Brand. Brand is occasionally bashed

this ugly triggered hippie who if you troll him a little bit on his YouTube channel Hell Sparks will get you for a cyber harassment because Hal Sparks is a authoritarian sick demented homosexual who is jealous of Russell Brand and he can't stop talking and making propagandists hate attack videos on Russell Brand critiquing each and every word. Russell Brand called Hal Sparks a a broken weirdo, who has repeatedly flirted with Russell Brand in the past and send him love notes. The broken weirdo comment was interesting being that it was the same comment that Trump used against Howard Stern. The broken weirdo although is effective comment and this definitely defines Hell Sparks and the lunatic JP Sears of We Lie To You News Network who is one of the most abhorrent fake news journalists and who actually despite wearing a suit dresses worse than John Fetterman. The worn torn suit that JP Sears keeps wearing it doesn't update and get a new one is only disgusting and reprehensible. JP Sears and disgusting ripped suit looks like he was covering the January 6th riot at the capital and why this cheapskate fucking hippie refuses to purchase a set of new suits especially given the amount of money he makes with a top political news YouTube channel is utterly amazing. It is great to see Russell Brand return to YouTube and hit his critiques and enemies such as JP Sears and the homosexual failed comedian and bad actor of Queer as Folk Hal Sparks and we can only hope he does and continues to come on YouTube and other social media sites such as Rumble and bash the living shit out of these far left lunatics and corrupt Clinton criminal syndicate. Hillary Clinton is the ultimate globalist and a corrupt sick soul and if JP Sears and Hal Sparks had any fucking integrity instead of attacking Russel brand they would be going after the three headed minsters of the Clinton, Biden, and Obama Husseign political mafia family criminal organizations.