Dwight Dwyer
A Indo-Pako man who was a brunt of Big Red and a prank in a mall accuse the huge and vastly growing huge YouTube host of being a racist. Big Red is his ex-con who has a beard and loves to smoke joints and troll people with a YouTube channel called No One Safe You Bitch and this guy makes many bitches out of men in his pranks up. Many of these prank victims get upset but aren't
unable to really do anything cuz Big Red is like 6'7 280 and they feel really emasculated when Big Red messes with them. Big Red does all sorts of pranks and recently he did a prank in the mall where he pretends to be this gender who hounds people eating and accuses of making mess that he plants around them. Big Red got Accused by one
particular upset Indian Brown guy who kept calling him a racist just because Big Red wanted him to clean up after himself food court. Big Red was having none of that and he tried to sit down and talk to the deranged Pakistani Bengali man who was outraged as this janitor told him to clean up and throw away messed from a previous patron of the mall. Big Red prank sometimes go out bounce and he has to be careful is he lights up a joint in many of them and he could easily be
canceled for his bullying type pranks as some other people have. Big red is a badass and a half who intimidates people on site and when he comes up to them with various intimate Half Baked and pranks that he does while baked up on crack and pot it is an amazing interesting watch. Big Red is a former prison cell inmate leader fill with tattoos and a disgusting style and thus may explain his immense popularity on YouTube is he is one of the fastest biggest growing prank stars there is pairing
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