Chuck "Cheesepuff "Goodwin
One of the more disgusting obese individuals online is someone we have just discovered within the past month and are horrified to know that he's has over 500 videos on YouTube. Notorious B.o.B is this gluttonous jackass who is morbidly obese and a bald head and loves to go to restaurants and eat as much food as he can with the few remaining unlimited eating with a few restaurants are able to do.
Notorious Bob was at a Hooters somewhere in Pennsylvania where he repulsively ate 150 chicken wings with a friend of his and he made the waitress work her fucking fanny off . In the one hour he was there BOB was determined to try to break his own personal record. Notorious B.O.B is such a over eater and proudly 0displays his ability to get his stomach with all types of food on
this YouTube channel. This man personally put a Hooters out of business as he would often go to their all they can eat chicken wings and just gorges himself like he was some British king Richard the fifth or something. Notorious then the following week went to a Mexican restaurant and
basically shut it down in their Tuesday taco all you can eat as this jackass 57 tacos. This fat head ate enough food in one sitting that a family of four in Mexico could have eaten for a whole month and the disgusting obesity and gluttony of notorious B.O.B is perhaps the most disgusting thing we've seen on YouTube thus far in 2024. This ball head has no shame to eat as much as he does and he essentially endangers independent family-run Restaurant such as this Mexican restaurant where he gorged on all those tacos. How this man is funded is a mystery too as he admitted as I've watched over 50 videos so far that he is now officially a
YouTuber and he is compensated very well as he is enthralled that he is being he's a rare individual who's being paid to eat. Whoever the organization or funding to this let the Fathead to make it living from overeating it should be called out and exposed. Notorious B.O.B is again perhaps the competitive food Eater of the year and he makes these waiters work so fucking hard I hope this jackass and the amount of food he eats that he at least tips $100 for each of his videos.
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