Crazy indigenous New Zealand lawmaker hungry Hannah goes on a rant and goes loco at first MP speech

    Clark Kramer

.      New Zealand is home some crazy descendants of indigenous people who are constantly pressing the government and always crying racism and discrimination in the land of down under.  The Maori people lost the vast majority of New Zealand yet they retained their savage culture and proudly display it whenever they can and a recent Tik Tok Madness for a new young 21 year old MP Parliament member Hana Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke went viral It went viral because this crazed savage basically started a war chant basically within the Zealand chambers threatening white New Zealanders within a similar October 7th type attack and she threatened that the natives will get t

he vast majority of their land back of New Zealand. This crazy woman named Hannah started a crazed War chant and basically threatened the white ministers in the parliament with a crazed Maori chanting. The visual optics of this crazy woman and her seemingly being possessed by Satan or the Devil was naturally celebrated by the global socialist left and Tik Tok tech that just loves and kisses the ass of any indigenous person and culture. This New Zealand woman named Hana Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke started acting crazy singing a brutal Mari war song which most often during Mario and Maori islander warfare they would

chant before killing the prisoners. The idea that a woman like this at 21 years of age would be a MP in New Zealand's government is absolutely ludicrous. This 21-year-old woman obviously is not qualified for her role and she is insane in the membrane and the numerous promotion of her on Tik Tok was also shameful and embarrassing. It appears 15% of the

population is Maori and they seem to elect some of the most shit politicians imaginabl4  and this woman might be the epitome in the future of the crazy Maori movement this craze new politician Hannah from New Zealand likely will be War chanting her entire life and political career just to be a troll and a reminder of New Zealand white people that the craze Maori one day might commit and repeat the same crimes of October 7th these people are so vengeful and hungry and likeln New Zealand can go loco October 7th time of their own

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