Tommy Sotomayor bashes the black women in the military always on Tick Tock and degenerating themselves for all to see

     Jay Yang

     Tick Talk and YouTube Superstar Tommy Sotomayor is one of the most banned men outside of Alex Jones on the internet. Tommy Sotomayer says what is on his mind and most often he is rightfully bashing black women in our society who are among the most degenerate people in this culture Tommy Sotomayor is not afraid to call them out and whenever he sees them acting stupid online he goes in for the troll. 

Sotomayer played a video of these military women complaining about being in the military and how bad life is and the pay. Sotomayor can't believe that there are people in the military and they don't do nothing about these black women who go on Tik-Tok in their military uniforms and basically bash the US military. Tommy Sotomayer is so sick and tired of seeing degenerate black women on social media and he says it is embarrassing  they are in utter disgrace. Tommy can get away with saying this unlike other people as he is black but his observations are correct and given the awareness of black female rap and their style with 4 inch long nails and 5000 dolar purses. I would definitely have to agree 100% with him the fact that Tik Tok is a Chinese own company and then we have our own military members openly live streaming and many times they're contempt with having to be in the military and holding in contempt is utterly reprehensible and shocking. Perhaps some of these people are not really US military members cuz I don't understand how military members can get away and be allowed such access to be able live stream just nonsense for hours and

hours. Tommy Sotomayor does not hold back and he does not hold doors for black women as he utterly bashes the shit out of them and again most often it is deservedly soul given how they act in modern society. Tommy Sotomayer is once again one of the best YouTubers out there not afraid to speak his mind and he does so whenever he can get a chance and not be canceled or stuff for the truth and facts he delivers.

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