Serpentza warns men the China AI filters they're beautiful live streamers and they are scammers

 Carlton Olsen

        The Chinese expert in vlogger known as Serpentza warned his huge audience of the scams of the Chinese chikas streaming all over Tick Tock and other social media accounts. Serpentzs somehow gtot an inside opportunity to show what really happens with these live streamers and how many of these women are not even women. In in some cases they are men there are so many Chinese hot live streamers asking for money and in many of these cases these women do not look like they do as Serpentza showed his viewers how AI Beauty filters can be used to transition a dog-face

Gremlin into a Cheng Er type model. Surprise it loves Chang Er but he says she is for real however most of these Chinese online social media performers are either men transgenders are very ugly dog face pony soldier women. Serpenza warn people

not to be seduced and to be addicted to these often AI filtered beautiful women they want Asian women that one sees on social media with her face up the camera and asking for money as in many of these cases these are men

or transvestites who use filters to make them look more like a woman. Serpentza was shocked in his palm when he found out because I believe he often use these live streamers and he would beat his me watching these women talk and perform.

When Serpentza found out that these were not real women he felt compelled to tell his 1 million Tik Tok followers the truth behind these Chinese websites and Tick Tock videos channels that in many cases again or not even real women. Serpetntza warn people to avoid these sites if they will keep asking for money and indeed a lot of people seem to open their cyber wallets and donate

purchase flowers to these scammers Sir Francis says that many of these men in China are acting become women because they have such a gender imbalance and that is very profitable for these men to pretend to be women and not only do they scam fellow Chinese but men all over the world were

prefer in dig more Asian women than their own Stertpentza does not want many other people to be fooled and scam like he was as he lost thousands of dollars donating to a

woman he thought was Chang er the amazing Chinese car model they must have 200,000 videos that much of the world is obsessed with but don't even know if it's real

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