Jason Whitlock comes on Megyn Kelly bashes the ugly Stephen A Smith and his recent trolling video laughing at the Cowboys loss

Earl "Bam Bam" Cunnigham

  With his feud with Stephen A Smith seeming never to end Jason Whitlock showed that he will not be intimidated and will continue to mock and stomp on the ugly face of Stephen A Smith. Jason Whitlock came on Megyn Kelly's program as they discussed the recent meltdown as Mr Smith went on live rage and had one of the most profane attacks of another person in the history media. Both Kelly and Whitlock cannot believe that someone who is

employed at such a major News Network would do what Stephen A Smith did and the ESPN should be embarrassed to still be attached to this creep. Whotlock reckon that something like this has never happened with 

major News Network and having a complete psychopath attack another individual for 50 minutes which is what Stephen A Smith did to Jason Whitlock. If Mr Smith thought that this would intimidate and make Mr Whitlock like quit hammering the horseshit artist that is Stephen A Smith and his habitual lying then he was wrong. Jason Whitlock went on to bash Stephen A Smith and has done so in recent days on his own podcast and many others.  Whitlock recently played a video of Stephen A Smith trolling and laughing shit

on the Dallas Cowboy fans for another playoff loss and he wondered why being a man in sports global network Stephen A Smith would troll a fan base especially giving his important position as lead anchor and face of ESPN. Jason Whitlock called

Stephen A Smith a dipshit who it just looks for trouble and Whitlock repeated is claims that Stephen A Smith never played more than three games in high school and his claims of playing division 1A college ball and being heavily recruited are complete horse manure. Megyn Kelly laughed as they

played the Stephen A Smith rant and meltdown as Smith called Jason Whitlock a devil and worse than a KKK Grand wizard from the 1860s. Jason Whitlock will continue to bash and stomp on the stupid face of Stephen Ass Smith and indeed Whitlock is unrelenting often reading from Smith's book as we like his unable to comprehend how such obvious bullshit paragraph by paragraph seems to detail the entire reading of Stephen A Smith autobiography

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