Arnold Armstrong
The perpetual story line of women at gyms is that men are always creeping me walking by and looking in their direction and they often try to capture this when they film themselves in the gym. Now why anyone is filming themselves and showing their ass on their phones is utterly reprehensible but yet these young women who should be in their own gyms Dash Dash keep making these trollish videos and showing their misogyny against men. Joey Swoll played yet another video of a young woman filming her ass and then she gets mad when the muscle head
dude walks by and looks and what's going on in the room. Joey Swoll says that these women are such narcissists they need to quitter Taylor and their inner Taylor Swift and quit acting like they are special and royalty and if the vast majority of men are not looking at them or leering at them as
they make to claim with each deceiving and misinformation anti-male videos. Joey Swoll bashed this bitch with her big ass and again why these gyms are allowing these
narcissists to set up cameras and their phones to film and allow them to pose is not known and people should lose their membership for this. Joey Swoll says these women have nothing going on in their lives to try to set up men and to try to get some cloud with videos and at this video is just another typical young woman Gym rat who's hoping to get a video that goes viral to
support her claims that these gyms are just filled with toxic misogyny the only toxic misogyny is women who hate men making these videos in a desperate attempt to have evidence of some accusation against an individual who might happen in glance in their direction for one or two seconds.
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