Taylor Marjorie Green comes on Benny Johnson's program and talks about the repulsive disgusting smell of Joe Biden

      Troy York

 To say that 92-year-old failed president and geriatric brain damaged scumbag girls sniffer Joe Biden smells would be underestimate.  There has been many reports coming lately that Joe Biden is unable to control his bowel movements and he often party poops in his pants and his embarrassing doesn't tell his staff who often have the tough task of having to clean his buttholio. Marjorie Taylor Green came on YouTube with Benny Johnson to discuss that the rumors are

indeed true concerning Joe Biden and his butt hole smell that perpetuates the halls of congress whenever he walks through. Joe Biden has a habitual bad habit of needing his staff to wipe his ass as many times he thinks he's just going to fart and pure shit comes out of his butt. The rumors Marjorie Taylor Green pretty much reaffirmed the online rumors that indeed there is a

perpetual stench around Joe Biden as even his staff is tired of ass bathing this 91 year old failed president and having to clean his ass every 3 hours. Thus there is a perpetual stench that follows Joe Biden then all the congressional and Senate members make a joke of telling each other that they must hold their nose Joe Biden. Joe Biden's smell is well known by both the senate and confress and many members are telling Jill Biden and is handlers to do something and wipe his ass more often or feeding him less more so at night after evets and campaign.

cannot be around Joe Biden enough to clean his asshole and the smell really really bad as Margie Taylor green confirmed. She and Betty Johnson laughed and indeed these distgusting rumors of Joe Biden constantly shitting in his pants and wearing adults diapers isn't he laughable as this is the leader of the Free Nation who got supposedly 81 million votes. Joe Biden even admitted one time in front of the press that he repeatedly gets his butt wiped and this was why he was late for a press briefing

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