Will Fanny Willis and her unqualified lover flee the country as the Scandal growth

   Benito Bautista

     Fanny Willis is the extremist Georgia Democrats who is trying to help Joe by the 2024 election by bringing a bogus miscarriage of Justice against Donald Trump this crazy black supremacist is a grifter and a race grifter as well and she appointed her boyfriend to be one to three lawyers to work on this case of attack against Donald Trump and bring about unjustified charges against him. This disgusting partisan and black supremacist Ms Willis has been having her cheeks slapped by the dog known as Nathan wade not o be confused with former baller Dwane Wade. However this wade has been being balled by Fanny's mouth and fanny. The prosecution against Trump and the

Democrats is going this because of politics and because of selfish greed as she appointed her unqualified boyfriend in order to direct close to $700,000 in this investigation into his coffers. Fanny Willis and her boyfriend having using this money for trips vacations and all sorts of activity they have nothing to do with this trial and the scandal of this is spreading like wildfire and may indeed shut the case. Fannie Willis is fucked and I don't mean by her lawyer boyfriend that she

gave a job and he was not qualified for she has created the biggest scandal of the law world and this woman and her commitment for black Supremacy and for toppling our democracy in the name of black Supremacy is falling apart. Fannie Willis I believe in my opinion she will flee the country with her lawyer lover and they do not want to take chances of being charged and having to recoup the money that they have stolen from the public

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