Patrick Henningsen and Balzer Valentine of the Sunday wire Go full insane Pro Hamas Pro Terrace rent on the Sunday wire

     Jack Pooter

    Make no mistake the Sunday Wire and his host Patrick Henson and his regular guests are pro propagandist and pro Terrace like many insane podcasters who are supporting Hamas terrorism and the Palestinian calls Patrick Henningsen is a perpetual nightmare of misinformation, disinformation ,bad information in propaganda information concerning the war in Gaza with Israel and Hamas. The commitment that these lunatics have for the disregard of the right of the Jews to fight against terrorist groups is utterly reprehensible and is shocking and appalling the Sunday

Wire is hosted by Patrick Henisson who is this praise know it all prick and Mr Huntington is one of these individuals who thinks he is a smartest person in every room he enters the British-American transnational broadcast in London and perhaps he is scared of the numerous Muslims that have
Patrick Henningsen wears...a man bun😆

occupied and taken over the capital of Great Britain the former Infowars worker Henningsen often has some jackass named Basil Valentine and together since the war of survival for the Jews that started on October 7th these two propaganda's have been supporting the radical Muslims of Hamas and Hezbollah and rooting for these demonic Monsters of 7th Century Islamic barbarity. Who knows perhaps Patrick Henningson, much like Andrew Tate, has converted to Islam and this could explain his insane support for what are basically obvious insane 7th Century backward Muslim radicals who would kill anyone who is not like them. He and Balzser Valentine put together their last show which was perhaps their most egregious lies on the

Israel-Hamas war and basically these two guys think that Israel should not fight back and carpet bomb the terrorists who have continued to harass the nation in which war from it since the day it was allowed from the UN to be its own self-staining state.  There's no doubt that from the river to sea Patrick Henningsen and Balzer Valentine wishes to see a duplicate of the German Nazi Holocaust to be committed once against the Jews that's basically the Israeli nation is fighting the same evil then almost wipe them out and their religion from the face of the Earth. Valentine and Huntington say the numbers have been dis proportioned in the battle is this shouldn't be of any concern for the Jewish nation that for years have had to battle larger Arab Nations and other terrorist organizations that have harassed and killed it citizens for some five decade. Make no mistake Huntington and Valentine worry that the terrorist structures and their costly underground tunnel mazes other terrorist network are being harmed by the Jewish and State. There will no be no ceasefire much to the chagrin of Patrick Henningsen and there will be no end to this war until Israel finally eliminates in Hamas puts down all their arms and quits their fighting and end their charter in their constitution to destroy all the Jews. Plain and simple Israel will continue be funded by the United States will help them battle the demonic demons in Gaza who have started this war that they cannot fight and cannot defeat Israel. Basically they're hoping to draw in other Arab nations in Hezbollah to their aid and this was their goal from day one when they crossed the border into Israel and October 7th and butchered massacred 1800 Jewish people in fact this is of no concern to Balsil Valentine nor Patrick Henningsen who are the three and a half hour marathon to talk made no mention of this attack to why Israel is waging war and shit like these two individuals are revisionist this war while  it occurs

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