Alex Jones allows Hamas propaganda Syrian girl to rant and lie for half an hour

 Dmitri Diamond

   Is Syrian girl is some proletariat propagandist who's had a social media site and outlet for some time. This woman naturally is Syrian and thus an Arab and likely supports the terrorist act of October 7th that caused  this war and now the Syrian girl goes on whatever outlet she can to cry about the war and how the Palestinians are getting their ass kicked by Israel. Syrian girl was at it again this time Alex Jones

disgustingly allowed this Pro Hamas Pro Hezbollah terrorist to have so much air time on his Infowars Channel. Syrian girl is an extremist who is a pro-Gaza Pro-Hamas propagandist and she came on Alex Jones and predicted that Iran and the US will fight World War 3. Syran girl says that the Iranians and their proxies are standing up to the evil of Israel and the amount of propaganda and time that Alex Jones gave this bimbo was utterly reprehensible. This country has Aalied itself with Israel and should always stand with Israel and whether Alex Jones wants to admit it this relationship has been cemented for a long time. Basically the Palestinians think that the Jews in Israel can be driven out like the French and

Algeria and quite frankly this is not going to happen and explains the massive response from the Jewish States against the Hamas Nazis and terrorists.  The Syrian girl continues to lie and spread misinformation about this war and naturally she never mentions the cause of the war of the October 7th butchery of  1600 Jews in one day Syrian girl is an evil propagandist and a far left crazy lunatic who is pro sympathy Pro-Hamas and pro-terrorist and it was utterly disgusting than Alex Jones continues to have this slut on his channel. Why Alex Jones is allowing Syrian girl so much free access to his channel remains a mystery and whether Alex Jones is pro-Hamas pro Hezbollah  support for the Muslim radicals is not known and should be challenged and questioned if it is true Alex Jones did not push back of any of the crazy nonsense the Syria girl said  obviously it appears that the info wars crazed podcaster has sympathy and supports the terrorist organizations in Gaza and whether Alex Jones is moving o he far lef remains o be seen and we think he may indeed move to he left

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