Don Rickles cognitive decline was very sad and much like what we're seeing with demented failed President Joe Biden

 Jacoby Genevese

     Don Rickles was this legendary stand-up comedian who made many late night appearances from the 70s to the 90s. The legacy of Don Rickles continues to this day as he and his name runs several comedy stand-up schools were failed politicians and podcasters often in a role to try their hand at another career we often suggest this to many people and indeed the Don Rickles School comedy is a good place for the failures of those in other industries. Don Rickles though was cringe-worthy having trouble in his later years had cognitively declined to the point where he was nothing like his sharp-witted amazing comedic

point. Don Rickles later years it was cringe-worthy to watch him have trouble to make comedy timing and jokes and his often last appearances on David Letterman were very sad and pathetic. What we saw with Don Rickles was his we are seeing right now with this awful Delaware banking illegitimate president. Joe Biden has mentall declined to the point where Don Rickles was as both aged to the point where they were confused every fight every 5 minutes. Biden is much like Rickles back then unable to make a cognitive thought and points in the

conversation. Why this idiot David Letterman continued to have Don Rickles on his circa 210-15  program despite hie mental state wax  painfully obvious that is dementia was so appearance is utterly amazing and will always Define David Letterman as one of the biggest scumbags in media. Likewise the handlers for Joe Biden needs to realize a much like Don Rickles team the failed 46th president of the United States is unpopular hated and not respected by the vast majority of people in this country Joe Biden clearly is out of his mind and demented yet he and his delusional stamp still plan on running despite the rough week he had.

This past week Joe Bozo  had the worst week ever for us sitting president and it was enough and could be what puts him over to his grave we predict between Valentine's Saint Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day. Joe Biden will hit the grave and this country will be better off for it and he might even die before Valentine's Day the way things are going and how angry and unhinged

he has become. Joe Biden is a jerk who can never take any criticism, but unlike Don Rickles late dementia Mr Biden is in a position to cause major harm to this country and potentially World War III. The 25th Amendment needs to be invoked in the replacement of this nasty evil individual who reportedly is such a psychopath that he yells and curses his staff whenever he

gets a chance from unnamed sources. Joe Biden is one of the most unfriendliest evil individuals too being a position in the white house and I believe because of these personality traits the globalist public tears who have made this country a popping in the Democrat Party put such a piece of shit into the White House. Joe must go

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