Arrogant black supremacist bald head Jamal Bowman loses congressional seats contemplates a WWE offering career

Troy York

      The disgusting bald-headed Jamal Bowman will no longer be embarrassing our Congressional system and threatening fellow members in the halls of Congress this loudmouth low IQ dumbass knew he was headed for defeat and last week he got together with his lover Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the old communist Bernie Sanders and had a rally from hell Bernie Sanders looks so demented heavily suffering from cognitive decline and indeed we are in the last years of this disgusting communist center from Vermont who is long for too long too long played a major part in our political system with his old mouth ugly face and frail structure. Bernie Sanders just like Joe Biden he is suffering heavily from dementia. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an aging nasty witch who will soon look like Nancy Pelosi and either may lose herself or have a long Nancy Policy corrupt disgusting Congressional career. She looked on and

tried to rally the crowd for her boyfriend and lover Jamaal Bowman..her secret lover Jamal Bowman. Somewhere in Alexandria Casio Cortez  dark heart is the knowledge that the same ending for Jamal Bowman may be coming for her. Jamaal Bowman's bitch tried hard to rally and help him as he was up against County Commissioner George Latimer, who is a normal politician and would bring welcome change and dialogue in Congress. The thug Jamal Bowman came out with one of the most profane political rallies of our lifetime and it looked more like a scene from the movie "Warriors" than an actual political rally. This disgusting

demented, deranged, lunatic individual Jamal Bowman used profane remark after profane remark with his sleeve rolled up and his one shoe missing looking like the ridiculous dumb clown that he always has been known. Jamaal Bowman lost big time yesterday and this idiot thankfully will no longer at least for the next two years not be a part of the political system and as many of his critics say it is remarkable that this jackass was actually a part of our educational system in charge of schools. Jamaal Bowman is a thug a criminal a scumbag and this guy looks and talks more like a prisoner than a politician. With this in mind Jamaal Bowman has been getting some career offers and this includes a potential World Wrestling Entertainment gig as agents for the wrestling company have contacted him about his future plans and suggested he would make a great pro wrestler, in particularly they are interested in this loudmouth being a manager. Jamaal Bowman is a black committed supremacist may indeed be the individual who should bring back the Nation of Domination which was this black supremacist wrestling team in the late 90s that eventually Dwayne the

Johnson "The Rock" wrestler joined and turned heel and eventually the rest is history. Perhaps Jamal Bowman could turn a future wrestling career into a movie future much like Dwayne Johnson. Bowman also can rest assured that he has likely employment in the future with the horrible race baby race hustling news networks known as MSNBC which this black supremacist Mr Jamal Brown would quite literally fit perfectly into 

     The future opportunities for Jamaal and his dog Dingo  are wide and bright and thankfully it doesn't it will  not include politics anymore as he is not in this league. Someone suggested that Jamal Bowman start a Black Ku Klux Klan or perhaps take over for Louis Farrakhan at the Nation of Islam once the black Muslim leader finally croaks. Jamaal Bowman is more fitting for the UFC perhaps Joe Rogan's side partner has finally been revealed in Mr Brown would be a great co-analyst with Joe Rogan in calling UFC fights. I still like the idea of Jamal Bowman going to professional wrestling is he doesn't even need any training and being a loud, arrogant fucker and manager and quite literally he can walk in on day one and be hated by fans and be the most heated and hated individual in the organization. The future is endless for Jamal Bowman we wish him luck and whatever adventures he so decides.

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