Jackass jewelry King traxNYC and his underpunks Mickey and Danielbanned from a New York jewelry show

 Rusty Stone

   The scumbag wanker in New York for caterers to the 1% class selling gold chains and very marked up in high prices is a scumbag named TrazNYC otherwise known as Maksus " Trax" Agadjani  New York this idiot runs his own YouTube channel and highlights his expensive jewelry store that has used as an outlet for money funneling

and for the criminal cartel class to purchase products and feel better about themselves and superior to other people. The high price of Trax New York and other Jewelers are

disgusting aspect of modern society that continues to cling to the past and the ruling elites and wealthy class. Mad Maksus sells these items to signify their class ranking for the corrupt uber wealthy and the criminals

and the gold industry will continue to go and get their goal no matter how destructive it is to the environment as  over 2 million tons of dirt has to be moved for 5 oz of gold .This destructive pattern continues as

Maksusmillian of Agadjanistan caters gold chains to  scumbags as he proudly runs an expensive gold jeweler in New York City. How this man's door has not been continuously hit by looters, Smugglers, robbers, and the criminal class and this

jackass panel business has escaped criminal attacks I find very shocking and surprising. Traxx in New York is an arrogant fucker and he and his arrogant assistants Mickey and

Daniel have been banned from a jewelry show in Las Vegas and their presence was not welcome. The las vegas motels found it suspicious that such young men are hanging with older men looking around as this is suspect and they did not feel comfortable with this group. this was the highlight of a recent YouTube video where traxx New York and his silly jackasses Mickey we're shocked in Nepalled to see their name was put on a list not to be allowed in this high end Las Vegas jewelry show. TraxxNew York went

to his YouTube channel TraxxNYC as a proud Goldigger and Smuggler  was upset that his two assistants named Mickey and Daniel were trespassed from this Las Vegas jewelry trade show and the arrogant Azerbajani mother fucker treated the security staff and Motel workers with such elite disrespect it was utterly disgusting and people let Max know about it in the comments section of his Gold channel

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