Kansas City Clowns football zero Travis Kelce and aging ugly actor Tom Cruise disgrace half the world and all men at Travis with concert

     Chet Oliver

     Disturbing video of a London Taylor Swift concert took place with the image of several men in the VIP section dancing like silly little girls like a majority of the people at this Taylor Swift cult concert. Many women filled this London Stadium and almost all who showed are neurotic and eccentric part of a cult of self-narcissism and the selfish attitude that it's okay to be a narcissist like your hero and bad singer Taylor Swift. \With this in mind Taylor Swift is dating some attention seeking narcissist football player who plays tight end for the Kansas City clowns and this idiot literally made a clown of himself. Travis Kelce and his brothers look like idiots as they danced to Taylor Swift's music.. waving their hands like these old gals and libtard women who attend Taylor Swift music cult. 


By all counts Taylor Swift and her popularity and music with an obsessive following fan base can be defined and is indeed a cult and a cult of Taylor Swift quite literally is not going away. The cult of Taylor Swift actually peaks during the National Football Season now as she has done deals with the number one sporting league in terms of Revenue and she gets her ass face and dumb head seen by the cameras during many of the top games. The fake relationships that she is carried off with this ugly dog named Travis Kelce is the highlighting excuse for her being at NFL games, but the main motivations of money and a secret exclusive deal that the league has done to get her involved in being at the stadium. Likewise, an idiot old actor with a wig named Tom Cruise was also seen at the VIP section sassy and happy singing along to Taylor Swift and indeed all the sorry ass

males singing and lifting their arms into their new religion of Taylor Swift quite literally look like a church section on a Sunday morning. The comparison should not be overlooked Taylor Swift and her cult like following bases and deity is like a religion and overlooking the people and the madness that they have for Taylor Swift. It can be concluded that quite literally Taylor Swift is a weird modern-day pop cult and the followers of Taylor Swift are predominantly women who believe that in the main motivation in the attacking the patriarchies in their love and support of this demonic woman Taylor Swift. 

    The most important for women's liberation the fact that weak males like Tom Cruise and Travis Kelce would be in a VIP section dancing with her hands up looking Disney goofy and game is a national embarrassment to this country. Perhaps even manhood throughout the world was embarrassed to see the weak shit males worshipping Ms Swift as the Goddess the

media has anointed. Travis Kelce look like a dipshit that he is and everyone knows he's a drug and a whack job wanker who is a con artist trying to always get more money and media time for his ass through shady deals and operations that may even include this fake skull fuckery of his connection with this bitch Taylor Swift. We are supposed to believe that this baller is her boyfriend and thus they throw the two together for more limelights, highlights, and spotlights on Tik Tok and social media as these two neoclassical narcissists and good outsources of global corrupt money. Travis Kelce of  the Kansas City clowns is a sports embarrassment and his appearance at Taylor Swift concerts acting like a Swifty male sissy is utterly disgusting reprehensible and a fucking joke and most of the people who have seen these clips of this idiot and his girlfriend's concert would agree.

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