Jeremy Harrison of the Quartering continues to mock and bash McDonald's CEO Ronald McDonald as mysterious Fires at Taco Bell and a closing of a famous McDonald's in San Francisco precipitates decline

      Armando Arturo

    Lord Ronald McDonald is a rotten scoundrel of the Big Mac variety and this top clown of the McDonald's corporation awful leadership and tenure ship in recent years has led to increase massive prices from demands of the banking classes. The increased prices of fast food in general are increasingly under scrutiny from a few top conservative podcasters and internet hosts such as Jeremy Harrison of the Quartering who is now doing further videos of the mysterious fires at Taco Bell that have been popping up all over the state of Kalifornia some have suggested that Ronald McDonald and McDonald's are behind it as it

continuing growth of the fast food wars are ever increasing and the coming collapse of fast food in general seems to be accelerating. Jeremy Harrison of the Quartering has been doing video after video on the state of fast food and now he seems and appears to be joined by your boy Benny Johnson and his own podcast. The consensus between these two and some other podcasters is that Ronald McDonald is a greedy, grifting motherfucker who has sold out to the

international class and those who want to destroy American fast food and bring more Sushi and Taco stands. The mysterious fires that have hit Taco Bell were discussed by Jeremy of the Quartering and someone discussed that the number one fast food taco franchise is indeed being targeted by its rivals and those angered that Taco Bell

would be the number one taco franchise business. In  addition addition the growing investors of Taco John's and those working to get Taco John's in many more gas stations might also be behind the fires if not Ronald McDonald. 

     Recently Benny Johnson and Jeremy of the Quartering recently talked about the increased closing of McDonald's in the Oakland, San Francisco, Bay Area including a classic one near the airport. There does seem to be concentrated effort to destroy America's fast-food giants and indeed this clown Ronald McDonald might even be working with the internationalists to ensure this is accomplished within his lifetime. The disgusting lifelong symbol and original owner of McDonald's Ronald McDonald seems no longer carrying his in his old age much like Joe Biden he is suffering heavily from dementia and cognitive decline and Mr McDonald may just not give a fuck about the business that he works so hard to start and work with others to spread franchisees across the country. McDonald's has never been about hamburgers and is indeed a real estate company and now given the massive increase in food and demand of the international investor class to bring more restaurants to this already over saturated restaurant country it appears anything associated with cheap eats might be kaput. This may explain why fast food and

McDonald's along with Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King and others I have increased prices to try to get rid of the low price image that these internationalist want to replace and make things more expensive for everyone with Bibbop and other Asian grills .Between Benny Johnson and Jeremy Harrison no one knows how many more negative fast food and McDonalds videos there will be on YouTube and clearly Ronald McDonald and his red hair and ugly wig are losing strands over the constant attention of his failing company and his inability to stop the slide of collapse for McDonalds

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