The day in 2021 where the grifter John Oliver absolutely grifted for big pharmaceutical and the corruption of the vaccine mandate

Rex Reed JR

         Make no mistake one of the more repulsive individuals ever to done or media is the pond scum from across the pond of Great Britain and John Oliver. Lord Oliver is a rotten scoundrel who thinks of himself as royalty is quite literally John Oliver feels he's a Media Monarch in compelled to work on the orders of the 1% Elite Class in 2021. John Oliver went to bed so badly for big Pharma as a huge pay bonuses were distributed to this ugly and silly jackass and it likely received millions  from these corrupt globalist drug and pharmaceutical companies. John Oliver will say anything for the right price and big Pharma paid Last Night Tonight host and perpetual ugly scumbag  John Oliver -- who resembles a ugly owl --tons of money to bash

conservatives and those who disagreed with the vaccine mandates. John Oliver did hit piece after hit piece whether it was attacking Joe Rogan and the horse dewormer medication or he was attacking Tucker Carlson. This idiot freak dumbass motherfucker John Oliver went so bad in trumping up the ridiculous crazy psychotic vaccine mandate movement that utterly failed thanks to grassroots organizations conservatives Christians and Anti-Globalists from around the world. John Oliver is disgusting grifting showed the sick

individual that he is at the vast majority of people see and this idiot  as he has always been . Oliver has never recovered his grifting and cough hacking for big Pharma culminated on the night of when this disgusting owl-face fucking nerd went to bed so badly for big Pharma where he quite literally admonished half of the country who did not and refuse to take the vaccine. John Oliver's despicable grifting for big Pharma

has pretty much defined this fuck head and his career which by all essence  his show is not a very good one .John Oliver's laughs are primarily through computer Graphics team that works at his show and from our reviews 70% of this scumowl John Oliver's laughs are due not to anything he says but by cute and gutsy little drawn up funny graphics that go with his words. John Oliver is a dipshit an

d a half one of the worst and stupidest individuals in American Media. Without a doubt his silly son of a bitch needs to go back across the pond to the land and stan this fuck comes from in Great Britain.

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