Gordon Ramsey is dead from a bicycle accident

      Troy York

.   Gordon Ramsay in intensive care and on the brink of death after brutal bike accident The Kitchen Nightmares chef and arrogant pompous British globalist Gordon Ramsay is near death the elite in overpaid over hyped over saturated Kitchen Nightmares Chef has had a bicycle accident as he ran his bike into a Mack truck and his been hospitalized under emergency care for the past 3 days. basically Gordon Ramsay is in a vegetable state and he is basically dead if not officially. Gordon Ramsay was wearing a helmet but the helmet is very little to protect him is he was hit very hard and is in the intensive care after a bicycle accident whether Gordon Ramsay forgot how to ride a bike is not known but there was Gordon Ramsay in

before and after photographs as he was dressed in pure spandex looking like a fool and a elite geek these people who are so into this boring sport of bicycle that they dress like scuba drivers are absolutely ridiculous and clearly Gordon Ramsay was going too fast and not paying attention probably enjoying the feeling of a hard seat with his bicycle suit Mr Ramsey was not paying attention when he got smashed by a massive bus that was crossing the street in New

London Connecticut and his currently at the New London Hospital on the verge of death Gordon Ramsay has been around writing books and doing shitty TV shows for some time and we have been recently praising Lord Ramsey and his ability to get news some are suggesting that this might be a fake news as Gordon Ramsay wants attention for his new program kitchen chaos which is set to debut and he basically will have and try to transition some of the worst chefs across the world into a elite four-star chef Gordon

Ramsay though may not survive to make one episode of this new program as he isn't under intensive care lungs damage is brain is wet is ball sack have been crushed and his stretched in hair transplants have been damaged. Weather Gordon Ramsay recovers from this brutal bicycle accident and weather has there against leads him to continue this disturbing and sick spandex wearing hobby is not known but we wish him the best of luck Gordon Ramsay right now needs your prayers and your money and people can donate to Gordon Ramsay who is going to have financial trouble

through this Hospital as the amount of hospital bills that he's going to face might be surmountable and put him in a bankruptcy court we hope that Gordon Ramsay recovers and he we hope we can continue to watch old repeats from 2011 that was amazing Kitchen Nightmares program being so much in poverty that we cannot afford cable and only discover this program in 2023 and the great treasure that is Lord Gordon Ramsey who might be kahoot by this time next in the meantime we will presume that he is dead Gordon Ramsay is dead at the age of 57

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