Scumbag Adam Schiff confronted by independent journals Ben berkham and chased up the stairs of the Campbell

    Milton Wiener

      The radical psychopath Kalifornia Democrat Adam Schiff was speaking to a bunch of brown and yellow students in front on the grounds of the Capitol the other day Mega MAGA supporter and Donald Trump  independent reporter Ben Beikam confronted Adam Schiff after he was propagandizing and lying to these Elite students dressed to the nines like they were going to a cocktail party. Ben angered many of the teachers who spread woke ideology onto their students and spread the false notion that Adam Schiff is a legitimate

politician. Many teachers demanded that Ben turn off his cameras once and he Adam Schiff was done speaking as ben followed the corrupt evil Democrat as he tried to walk away as Ben asked him what he thought about when Trump is elected and whether he will go after Adam Schiff charging him with treason and for his involvement in the nefarious January 6th political interference case. 

     Adam Ant ran like the little sissy boy that he is ignoring the questions that Ben Franklin was asking about how Adam attempted to undermine our democracy and create a coup in 2016 after Trump was elected. The Conspiracy to create a coup and undermine Donald Trump and replacing through false claims of Russian collusion

have been proven false . This collaboration with along with Jamie Raskin-- the rat fink from Maryland-- was done with him and many other top Democrats in order to replace and prevent Donald Trump from his rightful place in the White house after his victorious election in 2016. Adam Schiff ran away up the stairs and pretty soon Capital police gestapo interfered with Ben Bequin

and pretty much threatened him telling the cease and desist his camera operations following the corrupt Kalifornia congressman up the stairs. Ben Brooklyn has proven that he is not afraid of the Democratic fascist party in their Capital Police and he is a frequent visitor to the grounds on the capital confronting our political fascist Democratic class that thinks they are above the American people and beyond criticism. Ben Benquien made Adam Schiff squirm and run and the utter humiliation that Shithead Schiff faced as an obvious stressed Trump supporter with a MAGA hat and Trump t-shirts calling out his fascism . ben called out Adam Schiff's

fascism to his fucking ugly face and told him that Trump is coming for him maybe had congressman bald fucker light up in anger. Adam's Shift is a fascist and one of the more dangerous individuals in our political system and he poses the existential threat to our constitutional rights and freedoms. The man is committed to undermining and eroding Americans rights and the day that Adam Schiff gets prosecuted will be a great day and for far too many Democrats enjoy in spreading  lies of misinformation as this is a committed goal and their drive for political domination and fascism. To say that Adam Schiff is a loser and a dipshit would be an understatement

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