Kevin Costner spends $30 million dollars to bring a boring Western that likely will bomb as Nick digiolio other critics rip it apart

       Leroy Yates

    The narcissism of Hollywood knows no bounds, and this includes the radical and stupid actor known as Kevin Costner. Kevin Costner was so desperate to bring about a certain movie he scripted and wrote that he spent 30 million dollars of his own money as if he was running for president or something. In addition, Kevin Costner had to go private and found investors to further fund for his ridiculous and long-winded 3-hour movie called Horizon which would be released at theaters and has gotten some of the most crazed reviews possible. Former WGN host Nick Digilio bashed the movie is perhaps won the

worst things he's ever seen and the number of negative reviews that this narcissist Kevin Costner and his movies has received has been utterly amazing. Nick Digilio said that this movie should never have been made and the idea that Kevin Costner self-funded this movie with over 100 million from private investors as Costner was so desperate to think that this was the late 80s and 90s again. No one wants to see a Cowboy on screen in 2024 nor do they want to see Kevin Costner on the big screen. 

       Kevin Costner has made so much fucking stinking money that he basically felt confident and careless to spend 30 million dollars of his wealth to promote himself as some sort of John Wayne western figure this movie will bomb and likely is a real horrendous movie and the idea that these actors are so rich that they will even fun and pay for their own movies is a further sign of this massive inequality and one can only hope this movie totally bombs. Nick Digilio call this movie a joke and is

amazed that Kevin Costner is still in movies, but then again if you have an actor and a human that is such a narcissistic, self-centered bastard and has money basically these people have made through the years  can buy their own movies. One has to wonder how woke this fucker movie will be and it may even be worse than "Dances With Wolves" which incidentally also starred this silly bastard bad actor total jack fuck Kevin Costner. This is the difference between actors now and actors of 30 to 40 50 years ago. No one's going to go and see this long

winded 3-hour boring cowboy movie as this is not the 1950s again and the public does not want spaghetti westerns or to sit and watch boring movies with horse shit and old hats being worn. Kevin Costner is an arrogant elite dick head and a half who again should not have as much wealth as he has accumulated through Hollywood and it only has so through a corrupt Democrat Party infrastructure that has been set up to use them as a power base for propaganda and so forth. The idea that this guy would spend so much of his own money to prank us all with a silly western cowboy movies absolutely absurd and one can only hope that this movie totally bombs each and every investor and Kevin Costner loses their total sums

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