Jason Whitlock utterly destroys and calls out Stephen A Smith's racism in his beef with a another Sports journalist and calls for ESPN to fire Steven Smith

   Jake 'Rabbit" Roberts

       Jason Whitlock took to the air waves once again on his huge and growing podcast to bash the racist scumbag and ESPN known as Stephen A Smith. The latest Stephen A Smith scandal is bringing up new calls for ESPN to fire him as the pretend former player has a beef with another sports journalist who meddled into a on-line dialogue between Stephan A Smith and another black writer.  Stephen A Smith went full racist and when he told the sports

journalist that he should not have given an expression about a topic of a black coach being fired and a white Coach named JJ Redick was hired instead. Stephen A Smith said that he had a conversation with another black sports journalist about this and he did not appreciate a white reporter writing about it as well. Smith told white people he is sick of them trying to interfere in his discussions with other black people and Stepehen Z Smith went full racist. Stephen A smith went full racist on writer Greg Gottlieb calling him the lame and usual white

derogatory remarks like Cracker, Honkie. White Bo , Casper etc. etc. in a prolong rant and this jerk should be given the door and not resigned by ESPN

      The sick disrespect and racism of the Stephen A Smith probably shows as a proud black supremacist has run its course and many people are calling for the firing of Stephen A Smith  after this racist piece of Smith shit stated that white people should not be commenting on what LeBron James said on the JJ Redick podcast. Stephen A Smith feels a white people should not have opinions on black matter and quite literally the same could be said to Stephen loser

Smith and other topics that may not involve black people. Stephen A Smith is a hypocrite who wants a double standard racial society in the arrogance of this guy who again never played professional or college ball, nor was he ever had coach of a Peewee league let alone a professional league. Smith acts like he was both as why ESPN would give such a non-athletic jackass non pro so much power and broadcast publicity through the years is not known. Stephen A Smith must have

some dirt on a ESPN executive as this man is not talented, he is loud and crude, he is dumb,  nor doe she add anything of intellect interesting talk to any sports conversation. Jason Whitlock is amazed such a buffoon like Stephen A Smith is a huge and popular star and basically he said that

mainstream media is promoting this silly goose and bastard known as Stephen A Smith. Mr Smith's rant though the other day about white people clearly would have brought a firing if his races and comments were reversed and is literally reprehensible that this ugly fucker Steve May Smith continues to be the face of ESPN and on so much at the Sports monopolist network. The real problem is ESPN and we need to end the sports cable monopoly of this sports channel is clearly they are a woke organization that promotes people not on talent or skill but on the way they look and how they talk. Jason Whitlock

continues to expose the grifter and horse shit liar artist that is Stephen A Smith and how he's a habitual liar and makes claim say he was an All-Star high school player when Jason Whitlock looked it up and he wasn't. The complete fraud that is Stephen A Smith about his background and claims that he made 17 3-point shots in the 7th grade have been proven not to be true and each and everything Stephen A Bitch they Smith makes up out of his arse in his memoir Jason Whitlock pointed out is a lie in a desperate attempt from Stephan A Smith and his friends to get him a disgusting and egregious 25 million year contract from ESPN

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