The slutification of gaming is Chango cunt other female gamers promote sexuality and are the new porn

      Ali Muhammed

    Calling herself a bimbo and what a proud slut in one of her videos the female Tik Toker YouTuber gamer twitch star and 100% professed whore is a woman named Chico cat Chacao cat might be perhaps one  of the more repulsive females promoting sexuality on the internet and not enough condemnation comes towards young women like this who are basically  porn stars pretending to be Gamers and pushing and

the pornifification to young males and early age. Chenco cats is a whore and a half who comes out and plays video games and then talks about how skanky and slutty she acts and performs with her friends  this woman is proud and loud on it. ow she is allowed and not canceled online is utterly amazing as Chanco Cat just pushes her sexuality and is essentially some would describe in softcore porn star.  Indeed this woman

probably boasts her sexuality on her Tick Tock site that she pretends to be a gamer as well. Chanco cat is putting all sorts of Tick Tock videos with the question being asked to her if she is a slut and she probably proclaims yes that she is one proudly boasting about it under the guise of pretending to be a dancer. Chanco cat and other video game female players essentially are just future porn stars who are pushing the boundary and the goal posts where porn meets video gaming. Without a doubt young males are the intended target of this

perverse push of digital porn onto the male youth. Women like Chanco cat need to be called out for the promoting and pushing porn and essentially the perverse sexuality of women gamers like Chanco cat and others needs to be a push backed against of these women do nothing but try to bait young males and get more young men and many in general addicted to porn. The fact that Twitch and other gaming sites are allowing these young horse whores to go out and be scantily clad and essentially naked much of the time when they promote their videos and gaming style and this is deplorable. This is something that needs to be resisted at all costs for the integrity of young male these hedonistic young pinballs out on Twitch

trying to get young males to be obsessed with sex and promoting the interest that financially benefits these young skunks needs to be seen in the negative like that it is. There isn't that much pushback against whores such as Chanco cat and many others using Twitch to promote their porn and their video digital  brand of sexuality and porn.

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