Ugly fuck face Dr Robert Garry utterly eviscerated by Republicans in Senate hearing

 Lee Park Kong

    One of the world's most renowned propagandists for the covid 19 virus and the origins of it is horrible doctor Robert Garry. This Frankenstein-type doctor works in cahoots with major publishing companies and big Pharma to suppress alternative opinions and suggestions to the origins of the lab leak of the covid-19 fake pandemic. Dr Robert Garry was forced to answer questions and the Republicans tore his fuck face and ugly ass apart. Rand Paul to Josh Hawley to senator Ron Johnson from

Wisconsin among many others got to confront the silly jackass and ask him to talk questions of the government censorship of the opposition to force vaccines by wicked evil shit doctors such as himself Dr Robert Garry worked and tried to discredit those who resisted the unscientific methods and demands of big Pharma and the

medical industrial complexes. Those medico authoritarians in this field and in United States wanted replicate the fascism in South Korea and Japan concerning viruses and indeed the scum of the CDC and medical industry counted on propagandist like Anthony Fauci as this jackass fuck face of a doctor known as Robert Garry. The covid propaganda squirmed as various US Republican Senators took his ass to that task and pointed out the medical fascism that Robert Garry presented during 2020 and 2021 in a concentrated attack against this country and capitalism by the a global medical conspiracy of wankers and whack jobbers... such as ugly Dr Robert Garry. 

    Josh Hawley quite literally eviscerated this silly jackass with his tough line of questioning, and he compared Robert Garry and Anthony Fauci cheat to the likes of the early Nazi World War II medical fascists and Nazis such as Dr Joseph Mengele. There is very little difference between a Robert Garry and this Nazi doctor and indeed the fascist attempt and take over of government by the global medical psychopaths was resisted by great politicians such as these three and many others who stood up and

stood in the way of this complete domination and medical tyranny of the far left socialists and other internationalist monopolists seeking to steal more money from the average person. To say that Dr Robert Garry is a criminal and should be prosecuted along the likes of scumbag Anthony Fauci is an understatement and we need to bring criminal charges against the medical scum and covid fascists of 2020 and 2021 and the shit legacy they left behind and the horseshit dropped on the hrose they rode on

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