Tiffany Henyard close to signing a deal with Sexy Red and Latto to form the New World Order twerking rap group

 Reggie Rapper

    Failed Illinois corrupt mayor who's under a huge scandal and investigation Tiffany Henyard knows her political career is fucked and with this in mind there are rumor swirling that Tiffany henyard has chatted with 100 different female rappers trying to form a super group and learn the art of twerking and female black rapping. She has made inroads with the rap star Sexy Redd, who is neither sexy nor red, and the big butted mulatto rapper known as Latto. Together the three of them may form a rap trio from hell called a New World Order where they say they will be the new generation of

female rap trio groups of incredible ass shaking and twerking. Tiffany Henyard has entered the Missy Elliott School of Rap and she is quickly learning the art form of rhythmical lyric formation and by all means given the amount of money this woman has stole from government and taxpayer. She has plenty of resources and money to pay for the expensive tuition of this prestigious

School of rap that is an all-female clientele. Tiffany Henyard though is likely to be a convicted felon and she might have 36 felonies and indeed in the rap industry this will only increase her prestige, fame, sound, and booty shaking ability that Tiffany Hemyard naturally possesses as an African American woman and one that's very

shapely and budded in the rear Dearrier. Tiffany Henyard forming a rap super group and this New World Order with Latto and Sexy Red would be incredible it would be one of the greatest female trios of and be the most sensational female rap group since TLC or whatever. Tiffany Henyard has a big

mouth with juicy lips and incredible vocal cord and there is no doubt that this woman can be just as talented as her two well-known established rap stars in Sexy Red and Latto. We look forward to seeing Tiffany Henyard perform and get into some sexy lingerie like the other two who often

perform as rap music black female rap music. Essentially today's black porn and each and everything they do is sexual and it is all about the booty and the mouth as both are put to good use in female rap black porn.

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