Shinzo Yartiger is killed by a female stalker in Japan

      Eddie Bailey


       It appears at Shinzo Yartiger the great Hari kari type Japanese Tik Toker has been killed by one of his ex former flames whom he dumped after 2 weeks had been stalking him and he have been doing Tick Tock videos about her for the past few weeks before she went on attack and got him. A crazy Japanese woman who dated and was dumped by Shinzo Yartiger went in and stabbed him in front of his Tick Tock video and that was shared through his huge

platform that this middle-aged Japanese businessman has made for himself through the years highlighting his dating and sexual prowess on Tik Tok and Japanese social media sites. Shinzo Yartiger is his wealthy Asian man who's in his fifties and dates women in their 20s and 30s and often dumps them after they fail to please him and he gets much pussy. Many times he is humiliating dumps them on his Tick Tock videos and it was only a matter of time when one of these women were get to get in him she's as Lord Yartiger was stabbed by this crazy woman


Mr Yartiger fucked around and found out with so many women and he picked the wrong woman to slut shame and wrong do. Your tiger  Shinzo quite literally was shocked as he was stabbed with a huge knife by this woman who chased him reenacting is seeing he does often he did off tonight his Tick Tock videos where he had these women pretend to be so angered that they often stabbed a knife at him however this woman was actually dumped by him and she put a big knife in his belly that was caught on tick tock and was shared by the world do Mr

Yartiger's media team the shocking and brutal murder of Mr Yartiger is sending shock waves across Japan where it might be a tsunami and hit Taiwan very soon. We are very saddened by the death of one of our favorite Tik Tokers but then again he fucked around and he found out and she told Yartiger should have known better basically predicting his death with the numerous stabbing videos that he had done previously with other former guest stars and former whores of his.

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