Vinny from Valuetainment the ass of Brian Tyler Cohen after dishonest tweet and photo about Trump

 Rusty Stone

   Make no mistake Brian Tyler Cohen and his $4,500 suit makes many people sick the obvious propagandists and sycophant for Joe Biden on the internet is these 1 million subscribers based far-left lunatic propagandist. Brian Tyler Cohen is getting all sorts of dirt all over the internet and it's starting to Garner some attention as the dishonest Troll and scumbag that he is Tyler Cohen released a tweet showing Donald Trump shaking hands with his son Donald Trump Jr after yet another great and successful rally across this country as the former president successfully done does with huge crowds. Joe Biden is not able to get a crowd of 50 people at a union rally and the other failure of this 91-year-old

demented failed president is obvious. Despite this he enlarged his war chest thanks to the Silicon Valley and Hollywood pluotocrats continue to fund this disgusting old man because they want to keep their hierarchy and caste system going. 

      This explains why the failed and disgusting Joe Biden raised 30 million dollars from Hollywood Executives and plutocrats and much of this money is redistributed to propaganda's outlets such as Brian Cohen Tyler this disgusting lunatic with a 3900 suit in each and every video he does lies and delusionally spreads misinformation gets Republican politicians and Donald trump. Vinny from Valuetainment absolutely

bashed this propagandist as him and the sick Adam Sosick got into argument concerning the obvious dementia of Joe Biden for the far left who supports this idiot president trying to spend the obvious and make claims that Trump is the one who is senile and having cognitive decline is a given memo from this new raised Democrat Party money. 

     Vinny bashed the dishonest tweet by Brian Tyler as he claimed that Donald Trump was having trouble walking and that Trump's decaying decimated old body is just as or even worse than Joe Biden Vinnie DeMarco from Valuetainment quite literally would beat the living shit in a one-on-one fight with Brian Cohen Tyler who is an extreme liar and a sycophant for Joe Biden. Brian Tyler Cohen is a complete moron who wears a $5,500 suit and he thinks somehow spending a lot of money legitimizes his obvious smears/lies and this corruption

outlet he has become on YouTube validates the garbage that he produces to a internet audience. Vinny and Adam Sosick along with the Valuetianment great host Patrick David Bet absolutely eviscerated this punk bitch known as Brian Tyler Cohen who continues to produce obvious Joe Biden and Democrat Party internet media of obvious lies disinformation, mal information , sick information, and jackass information that only a jackass like Tyler Cohen could provide.

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