Alex Jones comes on Tyrone Magnus podcast and says Hillary Clinton's going to do a coup and be Biden's replacement

Jackie Butterworth 

     Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones came on the Tyrone Magnus podcast and the erratic and lunatic Mr Jones once again went off the wall in an interview. Mr Magness is a young man who mostly does reaction videos and why he has regressed into political talk and having conspiracy theorists Mad Men like Alex Jones on is not known. What is known is Alex Jones is insane in the membrane and he and other right wingers are keep bringing up the name Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate and indeed Mr Jones is trolling when he comes on and mentions this old woman. Hillary Clinton is like a hundred years old and she would pull the same problem of Joe Biden and in no way is Hillary Clinton interested in being president again. This woman's time has come and gone and thanks to right-wing fanatics like Alex Jones the competent administration of a Hillary Clinton was prevented. Tyrone Magnus showed a shock face is throughout this interview with Alex Jones as if he was sitting on a bug or a butt plug and as Mr Jones informed him that from his sources. 

    Indeed Hillary Clinton is once again going to run for president and this may be the president of the global Clinton Foundation/. Mr Magness seems seem confused and unable to comprehend this in fact once he got off the video interview with Alex Jones Tyrone Magnus said there is no way Hillary Clinton's going to run again and that more political gossip involving this failed

presidential candidate is being made by the Fox News and other right wing media. Why this media continues to harass and bombard Hillary Clinton always making her out like she is a power hungry maniacal person will never be known. Hillary Clinton will be

campaigning for whoever the Democratic nomination is and the Democrats pretty quickly better unify behind somebody otherwise they face a historical blowout. Without evidence the Infowars blowhard Alex Jones keeps saying that Hillary Clinton is indeed interested in going to be the nominee, but there is very little chance of this ever occurring and Hillary Clinton has lost many enough elections.

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