Is Mr Beast gay subliminal video may prove his sexual orientation

Whitaker Marshal III

 Mr Beast must be this elite nobleman king-like figure who somehow pays for his popularity and number of views and likes as  there is no entertaining aspect of Mr Beast in his videos and particularly in Tik Tok. Mr Beast videos are dumb and boring and his latest one is another example how this idiot somehow has these millions and millions of followers and views is inexplicable and most likely fake and overflated as a big tech bro. Mr Beast real name is Jimmy Donaldson and the rumors of this guy being a homosexual will come about after a weird neurotic and eccentric Tik Tok video. Mr Beast basically

shook hands with some weird guy who made a face and somehow this rather short and dull video had millions and millions of views. Some are thinking though Mr Beast in this video is giving hints to the LG glbtqrq community that he is indeed one of them. The look Mr Beast gave this guy and eye contact makes me think and suggest that

indeed the infamous YouTuber and social media startup Jimmy is indeed a gay homosexual whether Mr Beast is gay is not known but he continues to like primarily hang around men all the time in his videos and this latest video where some guy makes a dripping fuck faces to Mr Beast. Clearly is

homoerotic and in our opinion and Mr Beast is a gay wad and a half. One would think that someone as big as Mr Beast with a large social media audience would come out and admit it but perhaps because he is such a big star and thinks of himself as a king like media figure; The Beast one will keep this suppressed. Make no mistake Mr Beast thinks of himself as a modern-day Royal and indeed the scumbag looks like your traditional movie king and character set in the 12th century England or Central Europe. Somehow Mr Beast must have tons of books to spend for his popularity as from all aspects his videos are stupid and boring and his popularity of him cannot be real and

likely is staged from the big tech bros trying to bring more talk and popularity focus on the internet as opposed to other traditional media. Mr Beast stinks, Mr Beast is a fink, and weather Mr Beast is a gay should be known and declared by Mr Beast himself. We are tired of hearing about this idiot who is on talented is not very handsome nor is he entertaining or have actual interesting thoughts and opinions. Sooner or later Mr Beast will outgrow his audience and someone else will take his place but make no mistake this is taking too long and we are tired of looking at this fuck head.

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