Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions repeatedly destroys the liar and Chief Joe Biden and his habitual ability to lie

 Mitch Welch

    Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions did it again with another series of outstanding hit attack videos against failed President Joe Biden. The amazing YouTuber who runs one of the best political programs cannot stop humiliating and going after a failed 95 year old President Joe Biden as the liar and chief. Andrew reveled in the complete failure of Joe Biden and his debate looking so bad and unable to comprehend reality from fiction. Joe Biden habitually lied throughout the debate last week yet for the mainstream media  the focus was only on Donald Trump. The fact checking for Joe

Biden is incomplete as the media supports this incompetent jackass Joe Biden. This loser of a president is unable to communicate anymore in his late stage of dementia and the embarrassing debacle that the Democrats now face having such a weak Commander in Chief is making international news and more embarrassment as this

country is a laughingstock. Andrew cannot believe how many fact checks Joe Biden needed and how the corporate media ignore the numerous lies from this demented 92-year-old horrible bobblehead handicap

leader who buys some estimates is no longer even the president and Jill Biden is more in control than this idiot. 

     Joe Biden habitually lied at this debate and he ignored the numerous deaths of US servicemen under his administration as Bozo Biden utterly was lying to the people saying that no US servicemen died overseas in combat. Without a doubt as Andrew suggested,  Joe Biden has a disdain for the US Military because of the death of his son and a Mr Biden was not able to profitize along with Beau Biden through the name and imagery of  their fantasy and misinforming of making Beau Biden a war soldier and hero for his own potential political grift, Andrew called Joe Biden a complete

narcissist obsessed with his own name and family ignoring the sacrifice of the 18 servicemen who died in places like Jordan in Afghanistan while continuing to talk about his long dead son. a dead son who died likely from crack abuse like Hunter Biden and not in service in the military as the liar Joe Biden says and who wanted to groom and have him take his place and be able to continue the Biden tradition of politics and sniffing young girls here

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