Angry Sea Lion atacks land whales inttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

 Jake Glass

   Animal stories

     A disturbing and frightening video of a sea lion attacking a group of Sunday bathers in San Diego has gone viral. We have long predicted that the Sea Lion is slowly evolving to be a man eater and these big Beasts of the sea is only a matter of time before they become more of a predator than the left sharks of the Seven Seas. The sea lion that attacked the crowd of sunbathers was annoyed at the growing presence of land whales and human cattle at the beach and the disgusting site of humans near the waters clearly is getting on the nerves and the brains of the Sea Lion. One of these days the sea lions will become an act like actual Lions and what is taking so long for mother nature to evolve these beasts into the man killers they need to be to contain humanity in the oceanic ecosystem is not known. Clearly there are mad

scientists working right now trying to put more aggressive and more meat-eating genes into the Sea Lion and for this particular sea lion 4132LVX3 the sudden need to rush and attack at the presence of humanity may indeed be a sign of the future. Seals and sea lions are beasts and after the killer whales these are the kings of the Jungle Seas. The Sea Lion that attacked people in San Diego might just be the beginning of a new hybrid lab-created medical Sea Beast that is taking form and will be a dangerous dangerous dangerous potential in the future for those land whales that need to be near the water in the summertime in particular.

      San Diego will never be the same after the Sea Lion attack and indeed the growing boldness of Sea Lions to confront land whales human candle and fat asses on the beaches of Kalifornia cannot be understated. This just might be the beginning of a new form of terror much like the New Jersey River ecosystem witnessed in 1914 with beginning of shark attacks in North America recorded shark attacks in North America. This massive sea lion didn't cause any harm to any people in this recent attack but make no mistake in the coming months and years there will be a fatal and deadly attack coming from the sea lions or a big overstuffed seal on a foolish person

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