Scumbags Joe Scarborough turns on Joe Biden suggests the Democrats replace old Joe with Morning Joe

 Frank Banks

.  Making the rounds and the cause media monarch and perpetual scumbag potential woman killer Joe Scarborough has put out the call after a humiliating interview which basically Joe Biden accused elites such as himself going after and trying to get him removed. Joe Scarborough is beyond himself foaming at the mouth and fogging his fucking glasses. Make no mistake Joe Biden was indeed talking about Joe Scarborough and his ugly wife Mika when Biden talked and had the interview on the phone and not even in video form that there are Democrat

Elites that are trying to get him removed. Biden insisted he was not talking about Joe Scarborough and his ugly wife Mika Breyzeneski. Make no mistake Joe Biden was indeed talking about all the media monarchs who are discussing of need in possibly replacing failed President Joe Biden. This includes the former Republican and

perpetual scumbag Joe Scarborough who fled the State of Florida in 1993 after the mysterious death of a female intern in his political office which he was one of the last people to leave. Joe Scarborough  however, despite this scandal thinks that he can be the saving grace and according to many sources he is making calls and hoping that the Democratic Party replaces Joe Biden with himself.  The idea of the morning joke Joe Scarborough being president is absolutely lunacy and could only occur in such a

lunatic era that we see ourselves. Morning Joe has always had political anbitions as this is a guy who thinks he's the smartest person when he walks in every room and the failed congressman turned media monarch clearly has such a ego and narcissism he feels that he should be in power and rule. The arrogant and pompus Joe Scarborough sees himself as a media nobility and important individual and having the failed president on the phone in this time of crisis clearly made Joe Scarborough feel like a powerful man. Scarborough though is a buffoon and is a ugly man inside and out as this silly

scumbag is just another Democrat Party operative who will kiss the ass of individuals higher rank than him in order to maintain the special privileges that this silly jackass has been able to produce in his role in the media with his corrupt disgusting foreign born wife Mika. Both Joe Scarborough and his scumbag wife Mika Brzezinski think of themselves as nobility and of being higher power in this country through their role as propagandist for a shitty news organization that most people do not want nor even pay attention in this country. Mika Brzezinski is a disgusting horrible troll and the Democratic party and operatives like her and her scumbag husband Joe Scarborough much more of a threat her and to our democracy then Donald Trump with her evil intentions and use of media form Joe

Scarborough is desperately trying to get Joe Biden replaced and he is enabling word to be spread that he would be the perfect replacement and should be on the ticket to challenge Donald Trump come November. However, Joe Scarborough knows that when Trump is elected this man is going to be the first that Trump will go after.  Indeed the criminal charges and past crimes of this evil sick individual known as Joe Scarborough is likely going to come to  frutiation and this could include the brutal murder of female intern Lori Klausitis who many people people consider Joe Scarborough being involved and likely made a pass and was turned down and rejected perhaps killing in a fit of rage.

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