Communist dipshit Lee Camp calls for a boycott of Starbucks angered in how much the corporation helps Israel fight terrorism

 Ryne "Bozo" Bosworth

    To say to say that rotten far loves communist Lee Camp is a propagandist for Hamas and Hezbollah Iranian terrorism would be understated. The disgusting YouTuber and horrible stand-up comedian is a far left lunatic a deranged individual who lies out of his ass at every opportunity he is able to get a platform or interview. Socialist scumbag pot smoker Lee Camp often appears as a guest for many other communist shows and this idiot formerly of the Russian Today propaganda channel now has his own YouTube channel. Once again the idiot Lee Camp continues to spread the most egregious and mass psychosis far-left lunacy and propaganda. This piece of shit is taking to the airways again on a steady basis and especially is coming to the defense of Hamas as they are facing a brutal Israeli

response beating that they are deservedly getting in the Gaza War. Lee Camp as a scumbag who if he really feels so much for the Palestinians he needs to get his ass over in Gaza and grab a  mr-80 and start fighting the Israelis. 

       Naturally this gutless coward pussy would never even consider this instead this son of a bitch in the son of a dog as Shaun Thompson would say goes through YouTube and propagandizes against Israel and does everything he can to aid the terrorist Islamic killers who on October 7th butchered 1800 Israelis. Lee Camp has never mentioned this brutal attack and in fact leftists such as he likely condones because he is a miserable son of a bitch evil in the heart, dumb in the face, and broken in his brain. Lee Camp is a dipshit and a half a committed Marxist communist, and we will continue to call out this goofy fucker whenever we come across him on-line. 

 I'm shocked I forgot about this goofy Daw and his recent attack against Starbucks and other corporations he deems too friendly to Israel is another socialist rant and crying rant of this liberla lunatic against the corporate support to this important American Ally and Jewish state. Lee Camp is a radical antisemite who wants to see a repeat of the October 7th butchery by

Muslim extremists and weather  Lee fucking Camp is a Muslim himself needs to be exposed. Lee Camp told his listeners to quit going to Starbucks and called it a horrible organization and company, but in reality this Islamist pro-terrorist bastard Lee Camp is the real horrible individual snake in the grass who smokes grass and the idea that this maniac is allowed on YouTube and able to monetize his propaganda while likes of Alex Jones isn't is disgraceful.

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