Shaun Thompson goes off on the pig JB Pritzker, the toll roads and massive war on cars across the country

 Terry Blue

    The roads in Illinois are like Beirut  blocked and potholed as Shaun Thompson of WIND radio says he sees a lot of orange cones and work zones  but never sees the actual workers. With this in mind the great Chicago radio host Shaun Thompson had a guest who talked about JB Pritzker and the Democrat parties war on the automobile. Mr  Thompson absolutely leveled the disgusting fat ass of JB Pritzker who by all means is a corrupt sick politician who is committed to the big lie of climate change in order to make life more difficult for the people who the fat man Pritzker can eat and considers below him. JB Pritzker would eat the people he disdains at the lower and working classes as this Jewish plutocrat is committed to helping spread Marxism in America and empowering the Chinese string nation of a nation within AmeriCCPa.  

    Shaun Thompson of WIND radio bash the tollway system that he said is corrupt and on his allowed fat head politicians like JB Pritzker to steal from the consumer in another tax that the Democratic party loves to initiate likewise the Democrat Party is filled with psychopaths like Joe Biden and JB Pritzker who are put so much regulation on the automobile committed to the sick goal and racial revenge of a Ralph Nader who long ago proposed for the Democratic party a war on the automobile and to make it unaffordable and obsolete for so many. Make no mistake, Jamie Pritzker is essentially like having Al Capone becoming governor and this fascist has been heckled and attacked by Shaun Thompson and

WIND  radio for some years calling out the rightful authoritarian fascism that this fat head believes in and follows. JB Pritzker is a acolyte for failed presidential Bozo Biden and indeed the fat ass of Pritzker has been made mention from far left as a potential replacement for the demented diaper boy as Shaun Thompson calls this dim-wit in

diapers Joe Biden. The guest that Sean Thompson had went on to list a long set of regulations and attacks against the automobile that has made the cars more expensive than they need to be and this is the intended consequence and cause of the Democrat Party and their War on the automobile. Kalifornia in fact is trying to be the first state to tax how many miles people have and drive in a year which is early insane especially if you lived out in rural areas or areas of far spread. 

        This is clearly intended for people who do not live in cities of high density Kalifornia Democrats are much like Illinois Democrats committed to a massive inequality system and use the government to prop up and lobby individuals to live in the high fast lane. If JB Pritzker had his way fat boy would have highways where drivers can pay to go on speedways and then go as fast as they want to unmolested by the police.  The massive economic divide is directed by these monsters as Shaun Thompson said is the

direct result of a big government, psychotic overreach, and evil greed that the Democratic party and their failed fat politicians such as morbidly obese 380 lb JB Pritzker represent and Shaun Thompson last week utterly lit this disgusting human being failed governor corrupt businessman demented soul that is the Boss Hog of Illinois JB Pritzker. JB Pritzker basically is what you get if you mix and combine psychotic Ralph Nader with DNA of gangster Al Capone and its all wrapped up into one in a box from hell.

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