Daniel Dale Strikes Back CNN fact checker hammers stupid Joe Biden and his lies at the debate

Barry Moon

        CNN geeky Daniel Dale has reaffirmed himself as a legitimate fact checker and proving his detractors wrong including people on this blog. Daniel Dale showed his ability to fact check the Democrats and made many people proud as the CNN fact checker went through a slew of numerous lies that Joe Biden spewed out and last week's failed debate as the failed president lied out of this fucking ass. For the corporate mainstream media the focus was on Donald Trump's suppose lies while ignoring Joe Biden's, but the Maverick Daniel Dale was not having

none of it despite being told by CNN said he could not do his Joe Biden fact check this for I freak and stud went out on CNN and did a Joe Biden fact check from hell much to dismay of the CNN executives who had previously told him that his Joe Biden fact check was verboten. Daniel Dale fact check Joe Biden's ass like it's never been done before on CNN as the strong independent Mr Dale absolutely hammered the numerous lies that other media channels and

sycophants for Joe Biden ignore in their extreme propaganda of his lying aspect of last week's debate. Daniel Dale went through a list of Joe Biden's lies including that the Border Patrol supported him and then no American soldiers died under his administration which was a bold-faced lies.


    In addition, the fact checker Daniel Dale stated that Joe Biden lied when he said Donald Trump told people to take bleach which Daniel Dale brought up. dale fact checked Joe Biden about the caps of Medicare for insulin and other Medical procedures. Joe Biden also was fact checked on the percentage in taxes which he claimed was 8.2% which is a bold-faced lie. Daniel Dale went on to fact check the habitual liar Joe Biden called this demented 90-year-old fail politician who has been a career corrupt individual one of the most lying individuals we've ever had in both the US Senate and the White House. Joe Biden's career as Daniel Dale pointed out is no one has made a

political careers on lies and through deals with other international liars through various business, government, and other media sources. Daniel Dale says that there needs to be a day of reckoning for the habitual lying of Bozo Biden and corrupt government and indeed once he's out of office Joe Biden will be an individual who will be facing the same charges that he ordered and delivered against Mr Trump. Many are looking forward to this day including Daniel Dale who is tired of being a Democrat Party operative and hack and he wants some politicians to be held accountable.

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