Metal Leo is a stud and a half goes through Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco and looks at all the empty stores bashes mayor London breed

 Jacoby Genevese

    Metal Leo is a stud and a half a YouTuber who goes through all the crazed empty storefronts in San Francisco the Bay Area / Los Angeles. The Kalifornia based YouTuber cannot believe how much the retail has been wrecked by the likes of Gavin Newsom and in particular failed San Francisco horrible mayor London bridge. This bad mayor has led the transition of San Francisco being the Paris of America to the Detroit of the West Coast and quite literally San Francisco has

regressed so much through Democrat Party monopolist political incompetency not allele went through wharf Fishermans Bay which used to have so many great restaurants of various fish, Asian, and Italian kind and now there is filled with empty stores. Metal Leo went into a mall where the only shop that existed was typically a Indian owned smoke shop and Mr Leo cannot believe how many

empty storefronts there exists in this failed Democrat Party City. Metal Wheel was amazed how many Walgreens he has seen that have disappeared in California yeah you can still make the outline and he loves to zoom in and show his huge audience how all these empty stores you can see they one time would actually existed. Metal Leo got

nauseated seeing all of the empty stores he was shocked to see a open In and Out Burger among all of this mess and he went in for the fat Burger special. Metal Leo ate and looked around and he surmised even this fast food legendary Kalifoirnia business will likely close this location soon. Even the Subway

corrupt sandwich shops don't even last in Kalifornia as these corrupt globalist money funnelers and laundry still want any part of San Francisco. Metal Leo and his YouTube channel quite literally bashes failed mayor London Breed and he says that this woman in particular has led the massive decline of this one-time great West Coast California City. 

      As Metal Leo walked around he had to avoid the pigeon shit and human feces that literacy cake the sidewalk as the city barely rarely cleans the streets and sidewalks and metal Leo says everything is boarded up. In fact, the only business that seems to be doing good is the wood boarding business as Mr Leo notice how many fucking buildings are boarded up. Metal Leo was particularly

upset at this one-time great Irish restaurant and bar that he used to go and get drunk like a skunk and now it is closed as well.  Mr Leo mentioned the various fires that occur that are all mysterious and indeed this Irish restaurant has no roof and quite literally in recent months has been gutted and naturally the failed police force of San Francisco and the fire department has failed to bring about any indictments of the various mysterious fires. Whether these mysterious fires are

insurance scams remains to be answered but the metal one has his suspicious. Mental Leo says San Francisco is the direct result of failed policies of the Democratic party and in particular stupid racial identity elected politicians who have no business nor know how to run the city and are complete failures and running government. Leo called for a mayor London Breed to step down as the number of empty storefronts and businesses leaving the city area a result of this lunatic woman your voice and her complete failure to run a city anything but into the ground.

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