Opto and AJ angered at the contract for Bronnie James mocks him with a prank of going one-on-one looking for Bronnie

Arthur " The King" Eaton

    Top Notch Videos is a top prank channel led by a Armenian multi-millionaire named Octoberius Malekithi. The man does all sorts of prank videos where he's taking comments out of context in the ghetto and in the hood primarily showing the quick unhinged black reaction. Optolos loves to do this after going to some of the most dangerous and ridiculous hoods and with his sidekick AJ they continue to make off beat off comment pranks that are taken the wrong way from these violent people hanging around the

streets. Opto Took the road show once again to his favorite hood city Detroit and have some Detroit Pizza while mocking the recent NBA draft and how LeBron James had his son Bronnie James drafted. Opto and AJ

pretend that they were looking for Brownie Bronnie James and ask these various random thugs whether they want to go one on one. 

     Naturally the violent Detroiters figured that after and AJ wanted to fight right on the street or spar in many were surprised when they had a white boy come by and dribble looking to play some basketball. Naturally the ghetto did not appreciate this prank in after once again ran for his life as the people did not want LeBron James nor his son

disrespected the way Opto was after on AJ marked Bronnie James in the huge contract that this guy will be getting from the Los Angeles Lakers clearly an individual not deserving to be in the NBA or being drafted. Make no mistake Ronnie James is a disgrace and him still making this basketball team historical organization a joke and many are looking for brownie James to utterly be a waste, It was utterly hilarious as Bronnie James should not be playing in the D-League in Argentina let alone the Continental

Basketball league. Opto and AJ made enemies and were chased by various thugs thinking that they wanted to go one-on-one or angered by them making fun of LeBron's son. The amount of hilarity that Opto is able to bring about on Top Notch videos and make a cultural iconic channel exposing urban violence and crazed individuals.

Opto's work is utterly amazing and this guy is indeed both insane in the membrane, cruising for a bruising, and snitching for a stitching along with his sidekick AJ and the long dead Alpo face. The trio at Top Notch videos have been doing great videos for a long time and we miss their third sidekick of Aldo who apparently was killed during one of these pranks a couple of years ago.

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