Robert Kennedy Jr comes on Dr Phil's and demands Joe Biden drops out and Kennedy Jr basically declares he will be running in 2028 if he loses this time around

 Brandon Hunter

      Robert Kennedy Jr as the latest political voice that is calling for the resignation of failed presidential of Bozo Biden. Robert Kennedy Jr appeared on the Dr Phil program in incredible interview where both these prognostics indicated that this country would be better off Joe Biden step aside and retired and all reality is country be better off if Joe and Jill Biden died tomorrow. This guy has been a disaster and he and his policies have been purposely set to destroy this country. With this in mind Robert Kennedy Jr absolutely leveled the known cognitive decline of this failed 90-year-old President Joe Biden. Kennedy Jr hammered the

arrogance of Joe Biden and staying in the race and basically Joe Biden's handlers and family are so involved in the corruption and swindling use with foreign governments that they do not want to give up their position. Robert Kennedy Jr said that the horrible debate likely explains why the Democratic party works so hard to prevent him from running in the primary and be able to get this old clown in a debate stage. Dr Phil called the Democrat Party a rigged system and now and both agree that now is the time for the riggery to replace the horrible nightmare that has been Jill Biden in his one term. Joe Biden is a bolt and beholding failed president from big corporations and the big pharma and despite his stupidity and claiming that he beat big pharma the fact is big pharmaceutical companies own Joe Biden and they tell him what to do.

        With this in mind Robert Kennedy Jr said that Joe Biden is clearly on drugs whenever he has to speak and this explains why his body is so frail and he is slow to the thoughts and walk Dr Phil and Robert Kennedy Jr or just two more big names who have joined the chorus for 90 year old President Joe Biden to step down and his insane re-election campaign as this man should have retired from public life 15 years ago. However, the ego of his wife Jill Biden in demand of publicity and free state dinners and having the press fawn over her likely is the best explanation why the sorry ass Jack. Joe Biden keeps running for president and refuses to step down at his late stage in life. Robert Kennedy Jr unlike Joe Biden is in the peak of his life and would make a great president and what he is doing now is essentially what Reagan did in 1976 and other presidents who lost the first time around getting their name out and publicity for themselves. while both Phil and Robert Kennedy Jr hammered the failures of past presidents and policies both agreed that no one has been worse for the economy than Old Joe. 

     Make no mistake Robert Kennedy Jr will be running for president in 2028 when there is an open primary for both parties and he may be the first individual who runs for president as both a Republican and a Democrat. Both Dr Phil and Robert Kennedy Jr played in and spoke to the camera and were speaking to Joe Biden when they told him he needs to do what is right and this is to drop out and allow a ticket of Gavin Newsom and Pete Buttgieg to just to take over. Robert Kennedy Jr told voters and  Dr Phil that for people under 45 he is leading in the polls and that Robert Kennedy Jr represents the future as opposed to these two 70 and 80 year old candidates that Keneddy Jr predicted will be taken door naps in 4 years Robert candy Jr even

doubted if Donald Trump will live to the end of his term and essentially he said that whoever Mr Trump picks likely will be the next president Mr Trump indeed does win in final Robert Kennedy Jr and soccer field talked about the importance of the Integrity of our elections and that there was so much chicanery with Joe Biden's 2020 election that 1/3 of the people do not trust our electoral system. Again we have stated that it was not Donald Trump who motivated the people to go to the capital on January 6th but it was Joe Biden illiterate dipshit basement dwelling buffoon angered so much people with his persona and style that they actually showed up and did not trust the actual election and Joe Biden's character and suspicious victory of 2020 is what motivated people to storm the capital not Donald Trump

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