Did Barack Hussein Obama try to kill Donald Trump as spotlight falls on former failed Kenyan president after Trump trolled Biden and Kamala Harris on golf cart

 Albert Rooney

     In our opinion fail former horrible and rotten president Barack Hussein Obama tried to put a hit on Donald Trump the Democratic fascists whom Barack Hussein Obama is worshiped are a cult and the cult like figuring and following for America's first occupied and foreign-born socialist president is utterly reprehensible. What may have drove Barack Hussein Obama over the edge as the real undercover president whom Joe Biden is a puppet was When Donald Trump insulted both Biden and Kamala Harris on a  golf cart whom possibly Barack Hussein Obama was having a sexual affair through for over a decade. Donald Trump absolutely leveled and insulted this Democratic ticket and called them complete pile of shit and this supposedly angered failed former president current undercover presidents and fascist Barack Hussein Obama insane in the membrane. The Indonesian born jackass went to work fast working with both Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and the hoodie heart wearing Thug senator John Fetterman to formulate a plan to assassinate possibly Donald Trump.

Barack Hussein Obama has been obsessed with angered with Donald Trump since he decided to run for president in August of 2015 and ever since then the failed former fascist president from Kenya has formulated a plan to try to smear and force Donald Trump out of office. The latest was when Barack Obama used the justice system and the black supremacist controlling justice department Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg to perpetuate false charges and fake

accusations and crimes of Donald Trump in order to drop his poll numbers. When this failed Barakkk Hussein Obama was besides himself supposedly kicking the walls and garbage cans and fracturing his foot. The failed former president and African-born monster then decided to kill Donald Trump after the video surface of him dissing his former lover

Kamala Harris and most likely this contributed to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania last week make no mistake Barack Hussein Obama is a sick criminal and a dangerous icon who should be investigated for any involvement along with Governor Josh Shapiro and bald head John Fetterman the complete and competency and failed security detail that was supposed to be covering and protecting Donald Trump likely was purposely done in order to aid the assassination attempt and thankfully the bullet missed Donald Trump. Mr Trump needs to hire the most die hard

security possible if Secret Service in the Justice Department cannot be trusted as this fascist Barack Hussein Obama is still in major control and power and he is committed to promoting violence within our political and cultural society. When Donald Trump is elected the president the first two people he needs to investigate and go after are the failed former presidents and the first puppet president of the United States in Barack Hussein Obama and the disgusting old troll demented 91-year-old Joe Biden, who for weeks have been harassed by bloggers online, commenters, and other YouTubers totally blasting in humiliating his old ass to the point where even the

Democrats are agreement old Joe's ass must go. Joe must go is indeed going to be a fact as Biden's days are numbered and this idiot can go and retire his last days at the beaches of Delaware before he dies and he becomes to the gates of hell where he belongs and has long been predetermined. Given the evil that this man has conducted in his horrible life and after that.. after that Barack Obama will also be visiting and going to the afterlife not too long after.

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