Mena Nme grifts for fake energy healthy gummie bears

 Barry Moon

     Perhaps the stupidest products are these energy vitamin gummy bears then these scriptures snake oil salesman continue to lie and attempt to promote in media and the internet. The 10,000 subscriber men and them received a proposal from a gummy bear vitamin and energy company called prunes that sells these untastely and got awful gummy bears. The entire gummy bear industry is a grip as you get no nutritional benefit from it no matter what they say is in it in any claims of what health benefits that this black female grifter decides for this gummy bear is spoken with four tongue. The vast majority of vitamins do not give you vitamins and the entire vitamin energy supplement industry is one of massive

corruption and scam. The fact that this company would go out and do in commercial with someone who only has 10,000 subscribers on YouTube is another suspicious matter and likely they redistribution of big Tech money towards minorities and black women is in works in this case where this limbo is promoting something that in line to her small audience that this has nutritional benefits and it's great tasting the gummy bear grift of is utterly reprehensible and another obvious sign of hackery on the

internet and the so-called social media stars who are essentially pushed to promote products and garbage nonsense to the consumer. The amnout  of money redistributed to "influencers' is a bog tech fraud and the vast majority of these 'influncers' who do on-line commercials are racial and ethnic minorities . Mena Nme grifting for gummie bears and the lame claims of helath nutritional benefits are suspect an dlikely a God dam lie. Who really knows what kind of supplements and

garbage they put in these gummies which is black woman promotes seven in a pack and for all we know it could quite literally have snake oil, or snake blood, or snakes saliva or something . Who really knows what's in these gummies that these companies make and try to make phony Fanny Willis type claims.  The so called super green supplement gummies from Bruns is horseshit and


eating gummy bears super green supplements is bullshit as well. Mena Nma lies out of twerking ass when she says these gummy bears have whole food fruits, whole vegtables,whole vitamins and minerals, super mushrooms, antioxidants, adaptogens (WTF), and of course gut health has to have gut probiotics. If you beleive these little and very expensive gummies have all this shit into them then I got summer iceberg  Yukon and Alaskan territory I can sell you for a million dollars that are filled with klondike bars.

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