Dr Sanjay Gupta says Joe Biden needs a cognitive test and he considers him he desires for Joe Biden to drop out

  Brian Brain

    The shocking declaration of CNN's medical top doctor Dr Sanjay Gupta the other day has shocked and surprised the country and the world. The snake oil snake grifter medical expert Dr Gupta was a big proponent of covid in 2020 and demanded that people wash their hands 5 minutes each time they touched an object. The other nonsense of Sanjay Gupta presented on CNN put people into disbelief, but now Mr Gupta might be correcting himself in a major way. Dr Gupta knows what as a medical expert at when someone is so old and demented they quite literally have lost their brain and indeed Joe Biden has even admitted that he has brain problems. 

With this in mind Dr Sanjay Gupta demanded that Joe Biden prove his brain is still ticking and working and he has requested for Joe Biden to have a cognitive brain test and release it to all. the people and the public Dr Sanjay Gupta believes that Joe Biden is suffering seriously from major dementia and is

apparent to anyone who has had a close relatives suffer and immediately gone in the brain. Joe Biden's brain is gone much like Kevin Costner and the movie "Dances with Wolves" and all non-partisan evidence obvious admission would declare that Joe Biden is too old and mentally lacking in acuity to do the job as president of the United States. Dr Sanjay Gupta has asked for Joe Biden to prove that he still mentally acute and whether Joe Biden actually will honor Dr Sanjay Gupta's request likely will be unfulfilled. 

     Joe Biden has a idiot  who now has his doctor is denying that Joe Biden has Parkinson despite many medical experts observing she'll Biden in the past 4 or 5 months and making declarations that Joe Biden likely has been suffering for Parkinson for a couple years the last thing this country needs is a Parkinson-stricken political leader who can easily be manipulated and this could have explained why the elites and members of Joe Biden's failed administration wants so badly for this demented 86 year old

man to remain in power. Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN though is not having it he is demanding monthly cognitive tests and proof that Joe Biden is mentally fit and capable of the job that he made this declaration in a shocking media mention that has rocked the world and the casbah. Whether this idiot Joe Biden will fulfill the request and demand of the CNN top medical expert is not known, but for Sanjay Gupta to turn on Joe Biden is the latest example in pile shitting geriatric piling of this failed illegitimate election stealing potato-brain President Joe Biden

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