John Fetterman bashed brain dead Joe Biden after he admits he has trouble with his brain and he endorses Donald Trump

 Red Dirty

Bald Head times

    Everyone is abandoning Joe Biden and the implosion of the failed 90-year-old president illegitimate politician has been utterly spectacular. Now it appears that former brain-damage Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman to call for Joe Biden to resign as Fetterman is someone who would know about cognitive decline and damage to the brain and to the disease and injury. The bald head twice stroke victim John Fetterman says what he sees with Joe Biden is an obvious and quick mental acuity decline and that Joe's best days are behind him. Fetterman decided that he could not endorse Joe Biden anymore and that the best for the Democratic party and for the country is for Mr Biden to end his political career and campaign for 2024 and allow the Democrat insiders to make the decision who will replace him. Naturally of course John Fetterman is hoping after rebounding from multiple strokes that he is on this

list and he may have ulterior motivations in wanting failed president Joe Biden to be removed. John Thurman came out and said he can no longer support Joe Biden following the debate as the obvious and competency of this man at his late stage of life cannot be hidden or denied anymore. Mr Fireman of all politicians would seem to have the most sympathy with Joe Biden is many of the same accusations against Joe Biden have been leveled at Fetterman but there is a huge difference between the two. 

     John Fetterman is much younger than the failed Delaware senator and indeed he has more of a political future if his brain holds up and whom the Democrat Party at their event coming convention are going to nominate to replace Joe Biden likely will be the political event of the next few months. many are predicting that a Gavin Newsome-John Letterman ticket is possible and whether the two can get

along with their huge egos bald heads and greasy hair is not known. what is known though is David Letterman will no longer be supporting Joe Biden as the Pennsylvania senator was embarrassed by Biden's poor performance and according to insiders Federman dislikes Joe Biden and considers him a poor president. The bald head of John Fetterman has had enough and he said

recently in the media the quicker that the Democratic party replaces Joe Biden the quicker they can move on to a new candidate and a new direction future for this country. Kudos to John Fetterman for standing up to the political tyranny and thuggery of Joe Biden who refuses to accept reality and that he is no longer fit and has a mental capacity to be the leader of this country.

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