Fox News host Lawrence Jones wonders how insane is the Biden family and how they can prop his old ass for another four

 Jerry O'Leary 

     Joe why you  you it's running for president mannn?. ??Many in the  United States are wondering this question and for FOX News Lawrence Jones quite literally the lunatics within his family are calling the poop chutes. According to news reports Hunter Biden is sitting on special brief meetings in the White House and that several family members pleaded with Joe Biden that he keep in the race. Fox News has been covering the possible Joe Biden resignation which would be good for this country and is very necessary. Lawrence Jones is a Fox News and was on a panel and he basically wondered how insane is his family with the patriarchy of a Jill Biden in charge. The driving force behind Old Joe's

inability to retire is this nasty old woman and her power hunger is being exposed as the individual keeping Joe Biden in the race and stubborn enough to follow his wife's advice. Despite all evidence that he is clearly not competent for the job and Biden's mentally regressed to the point where his mind is like a five-year-old baby. Joe's ugly old doll Jill does not want to give up the power and increasingly other family members of the Biden family criminal syndicate realize that without Joe Biden they might be screwed as the walls of justice will close in on them. 

    Lawrence Jones the great young Fox News host artery ripped whipped the Biden family calling them lunatics and those who are self-centered to force their old man to remain in politics clearly in his last gasp mental state where he can do no good. Lawrence Jones knows insanity when he sees it and what he sees in the Biden family is indeed a crazy individuals that are clearly psychotic and it's a wonderment that they don't have their own reality television show, but perhaps that's coming. Jill Biden is the actual patriarchy of the family calling the shots and determine in her willingness to eventually replace her husband should he lose or lead his way to the afterlife. Joe Biden is a complete buffoon as are the rest of the family members of the Biden Klan and either they're not careful the second American Revolution

will see them face the same consequences as the Romanov in mother Russia and that of the Tories in in America who fled to cold Canada. Clearly Joe Biden is not in his senses and the psychotic Joe Biden and the rest of the Biden family criminal syndicate wants to prioritize and profitize for themselves and their fellow Northeasterners over the whole country. Lawrence Jones just wondered how insane is this family too trying to get a second term from clearly a man who's in this early '80s but walks and talks like he's in his late 90s and he's about to celebrate his 100th birthday. Make no mistake Jill Biden is a power-hungry mad woman we have not seen since Hillary Clinton in the White House and Jill's quest and deranged

demand for power is totally insane in the membrane as Cypress Hill and Lawrence Jones would say. This family is so screwed up and sick it is likely a good thing beau Biden died as likely he would have been another libtard in the within the Democratic party on par with Jimmy Raskin, Dan Goldman, and Ben Whitehouse.

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