Joe Roman and Jimmy Dore absolutely wreck Democrat propaganda's and scumbag Joe Scarborough

     Max Bald

     Failed former failed former Florida Congressman Joe Scarborough is a scumbag, he always has been a scumbag, and he always will be as Mark Levin would say. The stupid bad politician who fled the state of Florida after the mysterious head injury death of a female intern in his campaign office somehow was able to use this tragedy and failed congress position to be ordained with the highest paying news analyst at the horrible network of MSNBC. Joe Scarborough is a dipshit and a psychotic looking jackass Where's Waldo-type individual and very few people watch his show with his ugly arrogant wife. Nor do they care what this jackass opinion is on

politics and with this in mind Joe Rogan had recently on his guest the great Jimmy Door and together both of them ridiculed the establishment media and the likes of other news personalities. Joe Scarborough and others on the horrible MSNBC Network are immortal clods of shit.  Joe Roman and Jimmy Dore quite literally let it loose on stupid Joe Scarborough and they put together a skit on one of the most ridiculous propaganda pieces ever of Morning Joe talking about how this modern Joe Biden is the most articulate, smart, and outstanding Joe Biden in his political history. Door and Rogan mocked how Joe Scarborough said if you can't handle the truth to fuck off and the absolute lunacy of the Joe Scarborough

Morning Show program it's getting more scrutiny from people calling it out for the obvious shilling and propaganda it is. 

     Make no mistake Joe Scarborough is a mouthpiece for Joe Biden and he reads and does everything Biden Administration tells him to say. Scarborough is a scumbag who along with his arrogant wife both don't have a ounce of integrity or truth ability and to discussing aspect of this jackass still being on major News Network every day taking in an egregious salary is utterly reprehensible. It is further evidence of the media monarchy and the sham that the news organizations and Joe Scarborough quite literally thinks of

himself as a king-like figure nobleman. This maniac potential killer Scarborough is perhaps the worst media monarch of all time and the disgusting role that this man continues to hold within the failed and racist MSNBC globalist corporate network is utterly reprehensible. 

     There is perhaps no more reprehensible clown than Joe Scarborough and Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dork absolutely eviscerated this dipshit dumbass who has absolutely has no respect outside the executive offices of the silly scum network of MSNBC. Rogan and Jimmy Dore called out the obvious Joe Biden schilling that this shit head Joe Scarborough does and the delusion of Mr Scarborough in trying to make claim that Joe Biden is at this moment is the best he's ever been and is a legitimate successful president is pure misinformation and lies that have been a trademark of this jackass Joe Scarborough for 5 years.

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