Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu speaks and blasts the woke Palestinian demonic protesters and podcasts politicians like Rasheeda to leave and podcasters like Sam Cedar and Emma Finland

   Lee Kong Park

       Coming before a packed house in Congress as extremists and leftists attacked police at Union station in Washington the strong and great Israeli leader bashed the woke left in the west. Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the pro Hamas pro-terrorists as he spoke for a hour giving a war update and speaking to standing ovations throughout the speech as the brave and courageous Israeli leader told the world and the Muslim one in particular that unlike a hundred years ago the jews have a powerful army and state and they are willing nto battle their current foes and enemies as viciously as they would of the Nazis during world war II had they had a nation. The radical left in our congress boycotted the speech not showing up

including the despicable Kamala Harris Democratic likely candidate for president which was a despicable motion by this horrible evil woman. Netanyahu went on to explain the lengths that Israel goes to avoid civilian casualties and do it in a historical unprecedented action no other empire or country ever considered in th epast and the Israelis have Hamas and their terror network on the run living in the dark

undergrounds like the rats that they are. The Jews are not going to allow terrorists among their midst or around their borders as the Israeli leader went on to explain some of the butchery and mass evil that occurred on October 7th initiating this war that the Palestinians have started and that Benjami Netanyahu is intent on finishing and destroying in Gaza. 

    Benjamin Netanyahu talked about the vicious anti-semitic of the protesters and flag burners and he went on to say much of the problem and support for the demonic evil Palestinian dogs can be traced to college professors and others in America's higher academia who are vile and despicable anti-semites teaching and preaching hate against the Israeli state and the right of it to exist. One of these disgusting far-left Dmeocrats

who did show up was the terrorist Rashida Tlaib who had a sign she held throughout this speech and she should of done congress and the country a favor and held the sign in front of her face. Talib should always have a mask or fuck face sign screen to cover up her ugly Palestinian face and this sick and evil woman is upset and looked angry

throughout this speech as this woman wants Hamas Palestinian terrorists to be able to cross the border and kill as many Jews at will. How this monster congressdog has not been censured and removed from congress is not know but what is known this mother fucker needs to be impeached and removed from congress as she supports terrorism in the regio0n and throughout our country.

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