Vivik Ramaswammy comes on various Fox news programs and says Kamala Harris likely will be replaced within 2 to 3 weeks if her polling doesn't improve

       Noel Parker

      Former presidential candidate Vivik Ramaswamy joined in the latest attacks against failed vice president and nothing burger speaker Kamala Harris. Vivik  has long been a critic of the failed Joe Biden administration and with his resignation Vivik Ramaswamy says that we have lucked out and prevented from having four more years of a disastrous horrible Joe Biden Administration. Vivik Ramaswamy says that Joe Biden will go down to history as one of these really bad one-term presidents and perhaps Joe Biden it will be the worst. with this in mind Vivik Ramaswamy blasted the woman associated with Joe Biden in a coordination and undemocratic process that the failed and fascist Democrat Party has

coordinated to put Kamala Harris as top of the ticket. Ramaswamy went on to mention how many more votes he got and this election cycle compared to the humiliation Kamala Harris got 4 years ago as she ran for the Democratic primary and got smoked. Kamala Harris was so bad 4 years ago

thinking she would be the Barack Obama candidates that she dropped out even before there was an actual state primary election.  The Grand Swami Vivik Ramaswamy says the American people have rejected and do not like Kamala Harris and this will be seen in the upcoming months with the poll numbers is Kamala Harris has about as much chance of winning this election as a donkey of winning the Kentucky Derby.


      Ramaswamy says that he expects the Democrats to eventually drop Kamala Harris much like Bozo Joe Biden was dropped and the Great Ramaswamy said the Democrats will do a quick and Kamala Harris will be replaced if her poll numbers are not approval. Mr Ramaswamy appeared on Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham shows among others on Fox News and he has been hammering the failed demented 90-year-old soon to be former failed President Joe Biden. In addition he has been leading the attacks it has been leading charges against Kamala Harris who he says has been a complete failure in

her total career as both a prosecutor and the US senator and it is shit politicians from Kalifornia why the golden state has declined so precipitously through the years. The Democrats will soon realize that anything associated with this old prick Joe Biden will have to be removed and this will include the camel toe of Kamala Harris and her bad ugly suits. Vivik Ramaswammy once again demonstrate why he is one of the more up-and-coming political forces and possibly a media monarch one day as Ramaswammy

would be a great anchor at Fox if he doesn't go into the boring role of politics. In addition... in addition Vivik Ramaswamy is a great troll a great weapon to be used against the fascist and evil Democrat Party and once again we will remark that this political party is not your great or great grandfather's Democrat Party and is more aligned with the Cuban Communist party or the Soviets proletariats of 100 years ago. The old Democrat Party is gone haven't been replaced by this DEI nightmare of Gay/lesbos bozos , transvestites, genderism obsession along with the usual race and gender quota agenda. This is a wicked nefarious global system that wants to erase borders and do all of these lunatic agreements and trade pacts to keep a globalist business and government hierarchical nepotistic system afloat and in total power and control unopposed. 

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