Overly honest obese movie critic blast Kevin Costner and his 3-hour boring Western

     Ahmed Abdul

        The overly honest movie critic is a woke Fathead who hails from the lands of Central Illinois and does a small and insignificant Tik Tok movie review. The morbidly obese and fat head also gives tons of free DVDs to his small listener base that somehow the studios think that this fat ass is able to being a prominent voice on Tik Tok and has worthy of being given free movies and stuff to distribute. The overly honest obese movie critic absolutely blasted the new Kevin Costner movie and the funding of it is he quite connect figure out why Kevin Costner would spend 30 million dollars to make essentially a boring ass movie. Overly

Honest assume that perhaps Kevin Costner's extreme narcissism of wanting to do movies and the movies that he likes basically explains how something the travesty of this stupid new movie called Horizon was even released. Kevin Costner also found private investors as the movie of movie studios didn't want to touch it when he handed them this long and complicated plot that was neither interesting nor exciting. This movie has bombed in his first week and quite frankly Kevin Costner is delusional not realizing there's a new generation of people who are not interested in watching movies based in the 18th century or 19th or

whatever.  The fact that Kevin Costner and these private investors just don't get it of today's young tattoo teenage and movie 20 something movie goers who make up the vast majority of those who attend movies in theaters and always have and always will. 

        Kevin Costner thinks this is the 1950 still and that spaghetti westerns can be just thrown onto a population forced on the movie goer and this is no longer the case. The moviegoer does not want to see Cowboys and Indians and movies where the main mode of transportation is a horse and the scenes are littered with horseshit. Overly honest movie critic says Kevin Costner needs a ride into the sunset and quit pretending he's an actor or a producer as most of the

productions and gigs that this goofy fuck has done have been very bad movies. Overly Obese Honest assumes that basically Kevin Costner will lose so much money that he will never pull some bullshit like this again and the elitism and arrogance of these aging narcissistic old movie stars will eventually bite them in the ass when they decide to make such insane decisions as Kevin Costner did by producing and starring in this bad movie. Overly honest told his 10,000 followers not to see this movie and then Kevin Costner is a complete idiot and a jackass and a half who is not worthy of your money nor time only

Obese Honest movie critic says hopefully this will shut the door on westerns as he says this is his least favorite genre and every time he watches a western he is so happy not to have been born during that time period. Overly Honest movie critic cannot imagine a life without movies and television as a man lives on his couch and reclining chair eating Cheetos popcorn and drinks 5 litters of Pepsi a day

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